At Entrevestor, we're in the process of preparing our annual data reports for 2021, including our first pan-Canadian Oceantech Data Report, which will be made available to the general public early in 2022.

If you head up an oceantech startup in Canada, please consider filling out our survey here. Startup support organizations and industry groups use our data to learn how to better allocate resources and support the innovation community. So by completing the survey, you'll be helping improve the quality and usefulness of the services available to you. The more these organizations know about what the community needs, the more they can help you.

Entrevestor has partnered with the Ocean Startup Project and Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency to produce this report. It is our first pan-Canadian report, and we hope this exercise will produce baseline data so we can monitor the evolution of this sector in coming years.

The questions in our bluetech survey are modeled on the ones we ask for our annual Startup Data Report and will be familiar to many of you.

As always, any information you share will be completely confidential, and you can skip any questions you don’t feel comfortable answering. We are hoping for completed surveys from oceantech startups across the country and representing all stages of development. Some questions ask for data as of Dec. 31, 2021. We believe that we’re close enough to year-end that CEOs will know what their staffing, funding and revenue will be by the end of December.

The deadline to complete the survey was originally Dec. 3, but we have extended that timeline in order to produce a report with the highest quality data possible.

The responses of oceantech startups based in Atlantic Canada will also be used for our general Atlantic Canadian startup report for 2021. We will not have to survey these companies a second time.

We will launch the general Atlantic Canadian startup survey after we have finished the oceantech report. We'd like to thank the founders who have already completed the survey. 

We’re excited to be expanding our research on innovation-driven companies in Canada and hope as many founders as possible will help us with these projects. So, please take a few minutes to complete our survey and help support the bluetech ecosystem.