We really need the help of founders in completing our annual research of Atlantic Canada’s startup community.

Our ask: three minutes of your time.

We’re now surveying startups in the region to establish the metrics for our annual Atlantic Canada Startup Data report. We REALLY need more founders to complete the confidential survey, which helps us tell policy-makers what’s happening in our community.

We understand how busy everyone is, so we’ve held the survey to only 12 questions – you can complete it in a few minutes.

As we have said, your responses to the survey will be 100 percent confidential. We do NOT publish data on individual companies, only aggregated data. If there is a particular question you feel uncomfortable answering, please just leave it blank.

You can find the survey by clicking on this image:

We’ve been in touch with startup CEOs and the message we get is that people intend to fill it in. But then they get distracted and it doesn’t get done. So please just go to the survey now and fill it in.

This exercise helps to produce meaningful metrics on the startup community, which result in better programs. Policy-makers and support organizations rely on our Atlantic Canadian Startup Data report as the benchmark for this segment of the economy.

As our way of thanking the community, we will donate $10 to the Canadian Mental Health Association for each completed survey we accept by March 31. We’re capping this at 200 responses, so we could donate as much as $2000.

Please Note: Startups that completed our Canadian Oceantech Survey late last year do not need to complete this survey as we already have your information. You will be included in the totals for our donation to the CMHA.

For responses to be accepted, founders need to meet our three criteria for a startup: 1. An Atlantic Canadian-owned company; 2. Commercializing innovation; and 3. Making a product for a global market.

Please contact me at peter@entrevestor.com with any queries.

Thank you.