The Halifax Partnership is launching Connector+, a web and mobile app for professional networking.

The app provides an online version of the Partnership’s award-winning Connector Program that allows business professionals to match, connect, and refer young talent to industry professionals across the province.

The Connector Program matches new immigrants as well as local, and international graduates in Halifax with established business people and community leaders. The informal networking program is as simple as having a cup of coffee and a chat, and then offering three contacts that Connectees can also get in touch with.  

“With Connector+, industry professionals and young talent will have the flexibility to choose when and how they meet.” said Robyn Webb, the Director of Labour Market Development at Halifax Partnership in a statement.

The platform allows the Connector program to expand from supporting 600 Connectees annually to potentially thousands across Nova Scotia.

“We want more young people to call Nova Scotia home, building their careers and lives here,” said Internal Services Minister Patricia Arab. “By offering programs that support new grads, we are providing opportunities for them to tap into their potential and grow their careers.”

Supported by the Province of Nova Scotia and with funding through the Canada-Nova Scotia Workforce Development Agreement, the app is being launched as a pilot and will expand throughout the province in 2019.

The app is being launched in partnership with Connector Programs delivered by the Cape Breton Partnership, Western REN, Eastern Strait REN, and Valley REN. Connector+ will be available for download on the App Store or Google Play and at