In what is described as a first for Canada, the Atlantic Canada Marketing and Export Centre, or AMEC, is opening a virtual centre that will support the marketing efforts of small and medium-sized enterprises in New Brunswick. 

The aim is to help SMEs pursue international business opportunities. The Government of Canada is providing a grant of $147,000 for the project through the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency's Business Development Program, the agency said in a release.

The money will help AMEC, a not-for-profit organization based in northern New Brunswick, conduct a feasibility study and create a business plan that supports increased exports.

“The centre will become a unique, accessible, modern and efficient electronic platform for exporting the products of our companies in order to increase their profitability, create jobs and thus contribute to the economic development of all,” said Norman G. Thériault, président du conseil d’administration du Centre de commercialisation et d'exportation du Canada atlantique