Scene Sharp Revamps Sales Model

Scene Sharp Technologies Inc., a Fredericton software company that improves the quality of colour digital photography, is ramping up its sales effort through a series of deals with international distributors.

Scene Sharp is the company set up to commercialize the research of Yun Zhang, the Canada Research Chair in advanced geomatics image processing at the University of New Brunswick. Zhang has created software that greatly enhances the precision of digital photography, so it improves the colour of satellite photos, the resolution of high-speed shots and a camera’s sensitivity to light.

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Jutla: New Paradigms Merit Bold Moves

A technology start-up “gold rush” is in progress worldwide with no signs of slowing, and Atlantic Canada is showing it has the educated resources and energy to pan for this gold too.

According to the latest Entrevestor Intelligence report, 153 startups started in AC in the last three years and almost 70% of them are in the IT sector.  This phenomenon is hardly surprising given that IT startups require relatively low investment and offer the potential for attractive returns. Those are perfect ingredients in a region not known for high capital investment.

As a vehicle for economic growth,

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Press Release: Venn Launches

Venn Innovation, the Moncton-based tech support organization, issued the following press release this week:

Venn Vision and Programs Launched

For immediate release:

Moncton, New Brunswick (May 20, 2014) – Today, Venn Innovation Inc., formerly Tech South East, announced its new name and refined program offering.  As New Brunswick’s innovative ecosystem evolves at a rapid pace, so must the organizations that operate within it.  Within this innovative ecosystem, Venn will help tech companies grow and succeed.

 “We are very proud of our record of success over the past four years,” said

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Congrats to Startup Canada Winners

Congrats to all the winners  of the Startup Canada Atlantic Awards, which were presented last night at a reception at Dalhousie University.

It was a rousing affair, deftly hosted by Rivers Corbett, the Fredericton-based  owner of the Relish Gourmet Burgers chain. Victoria Lennox, who founded Startup Canada less than three years ago, was in town to fly the flag for the volunteer-group that

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How Verafin Won $60M from Spectrum

When Spectrum Equity managing director Chris Mitchell flew into St. John’s to meet Verafin  two-and-a-half years ago, both parties noticed something in the other that they liked.

Mitchell and his team from the Boston and Menlo Park, Calif., private equity firm found a company with a remarkably open and innovative culture. And the execs from Verafin, which develops software that battles money laundering and fraud, learned that Spectrum understood their market like few other investors.

The relationship grew and culminated Thursday when Spectrum announced a $60-million investment in

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Profile: Championing PEI Biotech

Rory Francis’s voice crackled with enthusiasm as he spoke by phone from Charlottetown. “We’re defying gravity here,” said the executive director of the Prince Edward Island BioAlliance as he revealed that, after a decade of careful nurturing, the life sciences sector on the Island is becoming an increasingly significant contributor to the economy.

The BioAlliance has recently completed its

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Kira Awards Recognize LeBlanc

One of the true champions of the startup community was recognized in Fredericton last night when Nicole LeBlanc, CFO of the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation, received the Special Recognition award at the Knowledge Industry Recognition and Achievement Awards.

The Kira Awards each year bring together a broad range of people in the New Brunswick knowledge industries, and startups as you’d expect play a huge role in the celebration.

In selecting LeBlanc for the special recognition, the Kira judges chose someone who defies every cliché about accountants. Certainly LeBlanc uses her

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Press Release: UNB’s Big Data Chair

Cisco on Thursday unveiled the Cisco Chair in Big Data at the University of New Brunswick. The following is a blog from Mike Anstey, Vice President, Sales for Business Markets at Cisco Canada, announcing the new post:

A few years ago we announced a $2 million endowment to establish a Cisco Chair in Advanced Learning Technologies at the University of New Brunswick (UNB). One of the first of our many announcements with Canadian universities over the last three years, our agreement with UNB has always reflected its commitment to being one of the country’s premier institutions for innovation

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Spectrum Invests $60M in Verafin

Verafin, the St. John’s company that develops software for battling money laundering and fraud, has attracted a $60 million buy-in from American private equity firm Spectrum Equity, which will finance the company’s next phase of growth.

Spectrum is buying a stake of just under 50 percent of the company. It may be the largest institutional investment ever in an Atlantic Canadian startup, exceeding Northwater Capital’s $30 million funding of Unique Solutions in the summer of 2011.

Based in Boston and Silicon Valley, Spectrum has raised $4.7 billion for investment in IT and media

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Foursum, Puma Launch Partnership

If you can drive a golf ball 10 miles by Canada Day, Foursum and Puma have a hat — and a mobile phone app — for you.

Foursum is a Moncton startup that has developed an app for golfers. On Tuesday, it launched its partnership with Puma, the German sports equipment maker whose Cobra Golf unit, based in Carlsbad, Calif., makes one of the world’s most popular drivers.

In celebration of the partnership, Foursum and Puma have announced their Go Looooong challenge, which is seeing how many golfers can drive the ball a total of 10 miles from the tee (and log the distances into their Foursum

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