The folks at the University of New Brunswick’s J. Herbert Smith Centre for Technology Management and Entrepreneurship are gearing up to celebrate the centre’s 30th anniversary at its annual RBC leadership conference. 

The two-day conference, called The Future of Innovation in Canada, will take place on Oct. 19 and 20 in Fredericton.

The conference aims to help participants understand basic concepts and issues surrounding innovation and future trends. The audience will be encouraged to participate.

The TME centre has been providing UNB students with programs and support to hone their entrepreneurial talents for 30 years. 

“In the next 30 years, the centre will continue to develop leadership capabilities of the new entrepreneur that result is deep cultural change, that impact institutions, infrastructure, environment and economics in a positive way,” Dhirendra Shukla, the Dr. J. Herbert Smith ACOA Chair of TME, said in an email.

There will be five speakers at this year's conference who will lead conversations in energy, education, cyber security and transportation -- the four main themes of the conference.

The speakers are:

Bibop Gresta - the Co-Founder and current Chairman of Hyperloop Transportation Technologies. Gresta also co-founded the influential start-up incubator Digital Magics SPA, which has served as the catalyst for the launching of more than 70 other companies.

Ann Makosinski - a serial inventor who was named as one of Time's and Forbes' 30 Under 30. Makosinski has done talks around the world, including TED talks and a couple of appearances on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon.

Steve Blank - an entrepreneur turned educator who is widely credited with starting the lean startup movement.

Sakena Yacoobi - Founder and Executive Director of the Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL). Yacoobi works at the grassroots level to bring education and health services to Afghan women and children.

Gaëtan Thomas - The President & CEO of NB Power since 2010, Thomas is a committed industry leader who is driven by his deep connection to customer and employee grassroots.

Click here get your tickets to this year’s conference.


Disclosure: UNB TME is a client of Entrevestor.