There's one week left to buy tickets for Entrevestor Live, our showcase for the best and the brightest of the Atlantic Canadian startup community 

The half-day conference, to be hosted by Saint Mary's University Professor Ellen Farrell, will take place Sept. 17 at Volta in Halifax. The program includes a lunch hosted by Tribe at 12:30, followed by six sessions with leading innovators. 

Entrevestor Live showcases the best and the brightest in the Atlantic Canadian startup and innovation community, highlighting the startups that have significant global sales and demonstrating how entrepreneurs can grow market-leading companies within the East Coast ecosystem. 

As well as spotlight sessions with Dash Hudson of Halifax and Eigen Innovations of Fredericton, we'll feature Halifax-based XPRIZE finalists and take a look at the city's battery technology ecosystem. We'll hear from the founder of Communitech, and an Atlantic Canadian entrepreneur who launched, led and exited a San Francisco biotech company. 

We're proud of the quality of program we staged in the first three years of Entrevestor Live. For 2024, please join us for our strongest event yet.