Canada’s Ocean Supercluster has launched a joint project with MIT Technology Review Insights, the university publication’s customer research and content arm, to create an index ranking the ocean-tech ecosystems in 60 countries.

The index, called the Blue Technology Barometer, will rank innovation rates, regulatory structures and commercial activity. Its stated goal is to identify where ocean-tech is being used to reduce ocean pollution, cut maritime carbon emissions and make the marine sector more profitable and environmentally friendly.

“Based on the work we have done to create the Green Future Index—our foundational global ranking of decarbonization progress and potential—the Blue Technology Barometer will form an important complement to our expanding portfolio of holistic research projects that examine the role technology plays in advancing sustainable development,” said Nico Crepaldi, the MIT Technology Review’s head of custom research.

The Ocean Supercluster is a federally backed organization that enters into partnerships with the private sector and other organizations to fund research and development activities.

The MIT Technology Review is a magazine owned by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and published six times a year. It traces its history back to the late 1800s and was relaunched in 1998.