We’re changing our editorial policy at Entrevestor to reflect the greatest needs of Atlantic Canadian startups.

Starting today, whenever we profile a company, we will list some of the company’s staff openings at the end of the article, and include a link to the job postings.

Also, our interviews with and articles about founders from here on will focus more about their startups’ staffing needs. We won’t just ask about the number of people the company is looking for, but the positions, the past success in hiring and the company’s hiring strategy.

The reason is simple: founders are telling us they’re having a terrible time finding staff, and we hope to help them get word out about the opportunities at their companies.

While we hope this initiative benefits startups, we want to emphasize that our mission is still to report news in the startup sector and profile new and scaling companies.

What this means is that the focus of every interview will still be the company’s milestones and accomplishments as well as the founders’ stories. (Admittedly, our article on SimplyCast today focused on staffing issues, but that’s because CEO Saeed El-Darahali had interesting insights on the talent issue.) We’re still approaching all articles as journalists, and we hope our readers will still find the interesting content they’re accustomed to.

We do not plan to run articles every day focused solely on job openings. We’d lose readers pretty fast because the stories would be dull. Similarly, we’ll respond more enthusiastically to pitches about product launches, new customers and funding than about hiring needs.  

If you look at our articles today on Planetary Technologies and Simplycast, you’ll see examples of what we’re aiming for.

We hope this helps the region’s startups. Let us know what you think. We’re all ears.