There are only three-and-a-half weeks left to register for Entrevestor Live, our annual event showcasing the best and the brightest in the Atlantic Canadian innovation community.

To be held Sept. 17 at Volta, this half-day conference highlights the Atlantic Canadian startups that have significant global sales and demonstrates how entrepreneurs can grow market-leading companies within the East Coast ecosystem.

This year, the gathering will be hosted by Ellen Farrell, a professor of venture capital and entrepreneurship at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax and a key architect of its entrepreneurship programming. She is a national-award winning mentor and expert in VC, and the founder of InvestorQ&A, software that helps female entrepreneurs prepare to pitch investors.

As well as spotlight sessions with Dash Hudson of Halifax and Eigen Innovations of Fredericton, we'll feature Halifax-based XPRIZE finalists and take a look at the city's battery technology ecosystem. We'll hear from the founder of Communitech, Iain Klugman, and have a chat with Rachael Criag, an Atlantic Canadian entrepreneur who launched, led and exited a San Francisco biotech company.

In-person tickets cost $80. The conference will be livestreamed online. Order yours today.