Provincial economic development agency Invest Nova Scotia is looking for applicants to the next cohort of its GreenShoots accelerator, which offers up to $40,000 of funding.

GreenShoots offers agtech, biotech and cleantech companies funding and mentorship to develop their ideas. Cleantech made a particularly strong showing this time, with all but one of the biotech and agtech companies also offering ecological value propositions.

Launched in 2020, the competition is run by Invest Nova Scotia, the Nova Scotia Innovation Hub and Guelph, Ont.-based Bioenterprise Canada, an innovation-focused industry group. To qualify, startups must have booked less than $1 million in cumulative sales and not have already raised more than $25,000 from Invest Nova Scotia or its predecessor Innovacorp.

You can learn more and apply here. The deadline is Aug.16.