Halifax entrepreneur Ron Lovett is opening up free access to a webinar on relationships, trust, and team culture, featuring leadership guru and author Frances Frei. 

Frei is a Harvard professor, author, and former senior strategic adviser for Uber. Her best-known book, which she co-authored with Anne Morriss, is Uncommon Service: How to Win by Putting Customers at the Core of Your Business. Their latest book, Unleashed: The Unapologetic Guide to Empowering Everyone around You, will be released in June.

On Thursday, Frei will appear in an e-summit on scaling relationships. She will discuss building trust and identifying your weak spots within a framework of trust-building. She will provide tips on strengthening relationships across distance, and building cohesion virtually within teams (or families).

Lovett, a serial entrepreneur who sold his company Source Security and Investigations in 2016, has made the session available to the Atlantic Canadian community. Specifically, he said the webinar is open to entrepreneurs but also any leaders of any organizations in Atlantic Canada.

Lovett added that providing the webinar is his way of thanking people, like frontline workers, who are continuing to work through the COVID-19 crisis. 

The webinar will take place at 1 pm AST on Thursday. You can register here, using the code “entrevestor100” to bypass the payment section.