Halifax-based breast imaging analytics company Densitas has announced a collaboration with TeleMammography Specialists of Decatur, Georgia, that will improve the quality of breast screening offered to more than 60,000 women annually.  

TeleMammography Specialists is an international teleradiology services provider and will be the first U.S. beta user for the new densitasquality solution, the company said in a statement. The product will improve the communications and information sharing needed to meet FDA guidelines.

TeleMammography Specialists also plan to implement the recently released densitasdensity automated breast density assessment software. 

“Our goal is to provide tools that reduce the documentation, process and communication burdens of meeting EQUIP (FDA) guidelines and enables sustainable delivery of quality assurance across the mammography enterprise," Mohamed Abdolell, CEO of Densitas, said in the statement.

The Densitas software provides an automated mechanism for quantifying and recording breast tissue density, a risk factor for breast cancer in women. Dense breasts can mask cancerous cells. Dense breast tissue is also linked to higher chances of cancer.

As well as speeding and simplifying the process of quantifying breast density, the Densitas technology standardizes the density measurement and enables stratification of women to ensure those who need more aggressive follow-up receive it.

Abdolell, an associate professor at Dalhousie University’s Department of Diagnostic Radiology, has been pursuing his idea for software that measures breast density since 2011. During that time, a growing number of jurisdictions have begun requiring mammograms to include an assessment of breast density.

The company last year announced it had signed a partnership with Leeds Teaching Hospitals in the U.K. to bring its breast screening technologies into routine clinical workflow.

The company has also received regulatory approval in Australia. The software is used in Nova Scotian hospitals and clinics.

"Densitas will help us provide consistent quality and standardize density assessment among our radiologists," said Martha H. Garrison, President and CEO of TeleMammography Specialists in the statement. "We will be able to more proactively manage the needs of our clients and provide consistently high quality of care."