PropelICT’s information session on equity crowdfunding and related issues on Monday is now taking place at the Innovacorp Enterprise Centre at 1344 Summer Street.

The organization had planned another venue but had to make the change yesterday. An early post by Entrevestor on Thursday contained the previous address. 

Crowdfunding is the process of raising money online from a broad range of people. Although it has been used for charitable fundraising and early sales of products, regulators in six provinces (including Nova Scotia and New Brunswick) recently approved the practice for companies raising capital. No company can raise more than $250,000 in a single campaign, and investors are limited to maximum investments of $1,500 per company.

The discussion on Monday night will discuss capital-raising options, though the focus will be on crowdfunding, equity crowdfunding and securities law.

The speakers at the event will be: Abel Lazarus, Senior Securities Analyst at the Nova Scotia Securities Commission; Andy Osburn, CEO of Equals6 and an authority on crowdfunding; Sean Sears, CEO of the  equity crowdfunding platform iCrowdx; and Gavin Stuttard, Canadian Bar Association Securities Section and a partner at the law firm Stewart McKelvey.

Last month, New Brunswick’s Financial and Consumer Services Commission held similar events in Fredericton, Moncton and Saint John to inform the community about the changes in regulation.