Atlantic Venture Forum, an investor conference that showcases regional startups, is looking for founders to present at this year’s event June 10 and 11 at the Westin Nova Scotian in Halifax.

Critical Path Group, the company that organizes AVF, has released a call for presenting companies and is accepting applications until March 31.

The company said the two-day event will “bring together the best, boldest, most innovative emerging and established IT, Cleantech, and Life Sciences companies in Atlantic Canada.”

Now in its third year, AVF has so far divided the East Coast startup community into early stage and growth categories so investors understand the stage of each company’s development. Last year, DeCell Technologies of Halifax won the 13-member early stage category. And the winner among the 13 growth stage companies was Neurodyn of Charlottetown.

The program includes pitches by about two dozen companies and four keynote speakers.

Critical Pathway is also accepting registration for the event.