Canada's Ocean Supercluster is asking for project proposals related to scalable renewable energy projects.

The Supercluster, which arranges joint funding agreements with private sector consortiums, is particularly interested in backing projects involving collaboration with existing players in the offshore energy industry, as well as cross-border partnerships.

“This call aims to increase the development of technologies that leverage the power of the ocean to generate electricity, reduce carbon emissions, and provide renewable energy sources,” said the Supercluster in its announcement.

“Through the Call for Proposals, the OSC is seeking projects that will support Canada’s renewable ocean energy transformation with solutions that help reduce emissions and create advancements in carbon-neutral solutions that are part of a net zero future.”

A virtual information session for prospective applicants is scheduled for May 24 at 2:00 pm AST, and the deadline to apply for funding is June 20 at 8:00 pm.

You can learn more, register for the information session and find an application form here.