SomaDetect Making Waves in the US

SomaDetect, the Fredericton company that helps dairy farmers detect early signs of disease in their cattle, is becoming the most precocious of startups.

The company, which began only last year, is stringing together a list of accolades that is rare in such a young company. The list grew longer last week when the company was named as a finalist for the 43North competition in Buffalo, N.Y. Earlier

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Jobs: CloudKettle, NBIF, Springboard

We have a range of posting in our Jobs of the Week column today, from the CEO of the organization that coordinates university commercialization to a tech consultant to a marketing manager.

The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation is looking for a Marketing Manager. NBIF is best known for its early-stage venture capital investment in the province, but it also oversees other aspects of the

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Spring Loaded in Lazaridis Program

Months after launching its revolutionary knee brace, Spring Loaded Technology is entering the Lazaridis Scale-Up Program, one of the country’s leading accelerators for growth-stage companies.

The Dartmouth-based company on Thursday was named to the program offered by the Lazaridis Institute at Wilfrid Laurier University, which called participants in the new cohort “Canada’s 10 most promising

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10 Join Lazaridis Scale-Up Program

The Lazaridis Institute this week named 10 growth-stage companies from across the country to the second cohort of its Lazaridis Scale-Up Program.

The Institute, which operates out of Wilfrid Laurier University, aims to help Canada’s leading high-growth companies to overcome the growth pains that come when they become global corporations.

“Scaling a technology company in Canada presents several

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NB’s New $7M-a-Year Sidecar Funds

Opportunities NB has established two sidecar funds that could add $7 million in equity financing each year to the funding totals for New Brunswick startups.

The Crown corporation, which attracts and supports business in the province, said Thursday it has created new Seed and Series A funds to help startups access the capital they need to grow. Both funds are sidecar funds, which means they will

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Sydney Hosts #PitchTweet Next Week

A series of events next week in Sydney will teach participants how to use Twitter to promote their business.

Momentum and Twitter Canada will host Twitter 101, the #PitchTweet symposium, and the #PitchTweet competition on Monday and Tuesday. It is the first time such an event has been held in Canada, and the competition will feature two winners – one local and one global. Tickets are available

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Bird Takes SM-Heart to MassChallenge

Thomas Bird used a trip to Israel to make sure his Fredericton-based company SM-Heart was accepted into the MassChallenge Accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland.

This globe-trotting startup is developing an ankle bracelet that monitors swelling in the lower leg, which can be a key indicator of heart failure. The company now has a working prototype and hopes that within a couple years it will have

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SimplyCast Launches Version 9.0

SimplyCast, a Dartmouth-based leader in communication automation, is launching the ninth iteration of its multi-channel platform.

The company said in a statement this iteration, dubbed 9.0, will update the existing new user interface on the platform’s applications, introduce new features, and provide an updated navigation bar.

Other updates include enhanced 508 functionality and increased

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