Kula Launches Synchrostack Product

After 16 years as an agency, Kula Partners of Halifax has launched a product called Synchrostack that helps manufacturers integrate the various components of their ecommerce systems.

Kula is a 15-person operation that in recent years has developed a niche for itself in web design and marketing systems for manufacturers. Most of its customers use WooCommerce, the world’s most widely deployed

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NovaResp Targets Sleep Apnea

A new medical startup from Dalhousie University PhD graduate Hamed Hanafi plans to use artificial intelligence to treat sleep apnea.

The condition causes patients to intermittently stop breathing in their sleep. It is usually treated with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, or “CPAP,” machines that force air into the lungs to restart the respiratory process.

Hanafi’s company, NovaResp, is

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Mobia Places #111 in Branham 250

After increasing revenues by 22 percent last year, Mobia Technology Innovations of Dartmouth has been named the 111th biggest tech company in Canada, according to the Ottawa consulting firm Branham Group.

Branham on Friday released its ranking of the 250 largest tech companies in Canada and once again there was not a purely Atlantic Canadian company in the top 100. (The rankings list No. 21

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Kraken Wins 1st Supercluster Deal

Unmanned submarine and sonar maker Kraken Robotics has become the first company to receive approval for an R&D project from Canada’s Ocean Supercluster.

The St. John’s-based company said it will oversee the $20 million development of the OceanVision system, which will allow clients to lease unmanned submarines to conduct seafloor surveys and store the data in the cloud. The Ocean Supercluster

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Job of the Week: Spring Loaded

Our Job of the Week column today showcases the opening for a Customer Support Manager at Spring Loaded Technology in Dartmouth.

For several years, Spring Loaded Technology has produced the Levitation brace, which not only stabilizes the knee joint but adds power to it, allowing people with mobility problems to move more freely. The Levitation line includes the world’s first tri-compartment

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AVF Names 4 Winners, Eyes 2020

The  Atlantic Venture Forum on Thursday named four winners of its annual pitching competition and unveiled plans to integrate the annual startup conference into a startup festival next year.

The AVF brought together founders from across the region with a range of investors and startup organizations. The event featured 21 companies in four streams that pitched for investors, and about eight

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Sona CEO on Why He Chose Halifax

Among the many positive headlines, facts and figures about Halifax contained in the latest edition of the Halifax Index is a particular statistic that caught my attention.

New research by the Halifax Partnership has revealed that the majority of funds raised by startup companies in Halifax over the last five years went to health care and life sciences companies – some US$64 million (C$84.4

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