ECSW: RTV Seeks $500,000 in Funding

RTV Group, the Saint John startup producing predictive analytics software to help fight drunk driving, is looking for about a half-million dollars in financing to get its initial product out the door.

It could take a big step in that direction tonight if it wins the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation’s Breakthru competition, which boasts a first prize of $192,000. If not, it hopes to raise the money by other means.

“Our target between now and the end of the year is to do about $500,000, which would get us to about four paid customers and one or two trials,” said Stephen Goddard, a

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ECSW: TotalPave Fine Tunes Company

As they head toward the Breakthru finals on Wednesday, brothers Drew and Coady Cameron are working on the branding and algorithms for their nascent product, TotalPave.

TotalPave is a Fredericton startup that aims to revolutionize the way cities and towns assess which roads need to be paved. The idea is so impressive that the Cameron brothers won the national Nicol Entrepreneurial Award for a new technology coming from a Canadian university last year.

Now they are one of five finalists in the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation’s Breakthru competition, and will find out Wednesday night

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ECSW: Store it Squirrel Trials in NB, GTA

Mikeal Abramoff believes he’s on the cutting edge of a big Internet story — community marketplaces for short-term accommodation.

Abramoff is the founder of Saint John-based Store It Squirrel, which links people needing storage with those who have space to rent.

The company’s site is live with what he calls “a great beta version” with about 80 listings in New Brunswick and Toronto.

It’s doing well enough that Store It Squirrel is one of five finalists for the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation’s Breakthu Competition. The winner will be announced Wednesday.

Store It Squirrel allows

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SimplyCast Launches Teen Internship

SimplyCast, the Dartmouth-based multi-channel marketing company, has announced the launch of a paid internship program for high school students -- the only one of its kind in Canada.

The Next Star Employee champions the education and advancement of high school students while promoting the development of future leaders. Students with a passion for learning have the opportunity to build and strengthen their skills and have their ideas impact a successful real-world company.

The paid internship takes place over the summer months and gives students the opportunity to interact with

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ECSW: 1st Breakthru Winner is UNB

When Nathan Armstrong talks about becoming one of the finalists for the Breakthru business plan competition, he’s quick to give a lot of the credit to entrepreneurial programs at University of New Brunswick.

Armstrong and his brother Gregory are the Co-Founders of CeteX, which is devising a system to help companies treat wastewater, and in essence they represent two sides of the entrepreneurial education system at UNB.

Gregory is an engineering student in the engineering school’s highly regarded Technology Management & Entrepreneurship, or TME, program. Nathan is a graduate of the

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ECSW: Black Magic in Breakthru Finals

When the five finalists in New Brunswick’s Breakthru competition gather in their finest suits on Wednesday, you’ll know the Black Magic team by the cans of pink spray paint they’re carrying.

But there won’t be any paint smeared on their hands.

The trio of University of New Brunswick engineering students made the finals of the province’s business plan competition by producing a special formula that can remove industrial dirt and grime — even paint — in seconds.

Greg Bailey, Steven Likely and Garrett Nelson developed the product as part of their studies. They entered the Breakthru

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ECSW: CeteX Eyes Funds for Prototype

Nathan Armstrong recently quit his job to focus full time on CeteX, the cleantech startup he and his brother Gregory started to help industrial facilities clean up wastewater.

Cetex is one of five finalists in the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation’s Breakthru competition, which will award $406,000 in cash and services to the three top teams at a dinner in Fredericton on Wednesday. Obviously the Armstrong brothers are hoping CeteX walks away with the gold for the prestige that comes with the win, but they also could use the $192,000 first prize (which includes as much as $160,000 in

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Our Coverage of Events Next Week

If you’re in Atlantic Canada and reading this, the odds are good you’re going to an event next week.

There are big events in three of the four provinces, and we’re going to do our best to cover all of them.

Today, we’re beginning our coverage of East Coast Startup Week, to be held in Fredericton, with a profile of CeteX, one of the five finalists in the Breakthru competition put on by the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation.  All the Startup Week stories will have the tag ECSW in the headline.

The Breakthru Dinner at the Delta Fredericton Hotel on Wednesday evening will be one of the

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Jevon MacDonald: Data on Angel Fees

We have seen a pretty amazing wealth of information about financing models and structures come to light in the last 10 years. It wasn’t that long ago that VC and angel financing were dark arts that few entrepreneurs understood. We have always worked hard to demystify startup financing on StartupNorth and have done a long series of articles, which began in 2006 and shed light on angel investing as an option for entrepreneurs.

But the question we hear a lot is, “Should I have to pay an angel group to pitch them?”

I’ll keep it simple: generally the answer is No. By definition, angel groups

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Karma Signs 3 Big Deals in 3 Months

Karma Gaming, the Halifax startup that is developing video games for regulated lotteries, has signed three major customers this year.

So next year, its products will be available on three different continents.

Jay Aird, the company’s chief innovation officer, said the firm probably won’t receive substantial revenues from the deals until 2014, so it is now in the late stage of raising a follow-on round of venture capital funding that is seeking $4 million.

Karma has devised a solution for a problem that afflicts regulated lottery companies around the world: their clientele is aging and

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