Xiplinx Goes Home to Move Forward

Things are going so swimmingly at Xiplinx Technologies that CEO Brent MacDonald is going back to where he was three years ago – in the PropelICT accelerator.

Xiplinx, the Saint John company that helps manufacturing plant managers monitor data from around their factories, was recently accepted into the Propel Build program. That’s the advanced accelerator for growth stage companies, and the

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Simpson Wants More Success in NB

As the incoming chair of the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation, Cathy Simpson intends to help more startups achieve the kind of accelerated growth that pushes companies and regions forward.

Simpson also aims to get more women involved in science, technology and management. To that end, she is leading youth initiatives that demonstrate that women can succeed in the innovation sector.

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Three Events in Sydney Next Week

I’m pleased to be the guest speaker at a TecSocial gathering Thursday in Sydney – one of a few events Entrevestor will be attending in Cape Breton late next week.

I’ll be delivering a brief chat on communications for startups at the TecSocial get together from 5:15 pm to 7:15 pm June 4 at the Membertou Trade & Convention Centre.

My talk will focus on the need for startups to identify their key message and make sure the entire team can deliver it.  They have to communicate internally and to investors, customers, and the broader world.  It’s important because no one can achieve their

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Futurpreneur Seeks Young Founders

Futurpreneur Canada, a group that supports young entrepreneurs, has launched the fifth annual Spin Master Innovation Fund, a competition for innovative young people.

The national organization is looking for innovative Canadian entrepreneurs between the ages of 18 and 39 to apply to the competition by June 19.

The competition’s judges will select as many as 10 contestants to win a  development loan worth up to $50,000 and two paid trips to Toronto to attend mentoring events. Each winner will work with one of Futurpreneur Canada’s 2,800 volunteer mentors, specially selected to meet the

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Press Release: Densitas’ ISO Standard

Densitas, a Halifax startup developing software that enhances mammography, his issued the following press release:


HALIFAX, Nova Scotia – May 28, 2015 – Densitas Inc. announced today it has received 13485:2003 certification from the International Standards Organization (ISO).

This ISO standard specifies the requirements for comprehensive quality management systems for the design and manufacture of medical devices. Densitas is an early stage startup company that develops software for use in the digital mammography enterprise.


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McMaster Out to Defeat Android, iOS

A guy from Cape Breton Island has launched a war with both Google and Apple, and investors like Rupert Murdoch and Twitter have bet $85.4 million that he’ll win.

Kirt McMaster is gaining fame in the tech world as the CEO of Cyanogen Inc., a Palo Alto, Calif., company that is developing a new operating system for smartphones. There is now a duopoly in these operating systems as 90 percent or

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Kinduct Signs Up 7 Sports Teams

Halifax health-technology company Kinduct Technologies announced Wednesday it has signed five professional sports teams and two NCAA colleges to use the Kinduct Performance product.

The Performance product is an athlete management system that helps organizations that work with elite athletes find the information they need. The software helps these organizations collect, organize, share and

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Anyone Want To Attend Startupfest?

Working with other partners throughout the region, Planet Hatch is trying to rustle up a group of founders and other startup lovers to make up an Atlantic Canadian contingent at the International Startup Festival in Montreal in July.

Sally Ng, the Executive Director of the glistening startup hub in Fredericton, said in an interview Monday her organization and others in the region are trying to get a group together to fill a bus to attend the festival.

Now in its sixth year, the Startup Festival gathers together more than 2,000 founders, investors, and analysts from more than a dozen

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Venture NL Fund’s First Close

The Venture Newfoundland and Labrador Fund, the new public-private investment body that will provide seed financing in the province, has announced its first close and should make its first investment within three weeks.

Pelorus Venture Capital Ltd., the subsidiary of GrowthWorks Atlantic that will manage the fund, said Tuesday that the contributions by the government of Newfoundland and Labrador, BDC Capital and Pelorus itself have all closed. Pelorus is talking to some institutions and potential angel investors about coming into the fund. It is working with the Newfoundland and Labrador

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Finding the Soul of Entrepreneurship

University of New Brunswick recently launched the second year of its Summer Institute, an accelerator that melds entrepreneurial fire with artistic passion. 

The three-month program differs from other accelerators that focus on sales, market research and typical research and development. Instead, the Summer Institute aims to help participants discover an issue they are deeply passionate

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