Using Startups to Spur Growth

One reason Jason Martell has grown his business Inside Out Cleaning Services so strongly in recent years is his partnerships with Halifax-area startups, which have helped him to adopt a growth strategy and new technology.

Based in Blockhouse, on Nova Scotia’s South Shore, Inside Out expanded mainly because of the acquisition of a competitor in Halifax in 2016. But that deal went hand-in-hand

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Job of the Week: Protocase

An opening for an R&D Designer Software Developer at Protocase  in Sydney is the lone entry in our Our Job of the Week column today.

Established in 2001, Protocase makes custom electronic enclosures. It focuses on combining advances in software with advanced manufacturing techniques to offer unique custom manufacturing to the engineering, design, and research industries.  The company has more

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Lobster Trap Co. Starts Manufacturing

The Lobster Trap Company, which aims to build a more robust trap than is now available, is making its first commercial manufacturing run of its plastic product this lobster season.

The Yarmouth-based company started taking orders three weeks ago and plans to produce at least 10,000 lobster traps for the 2019-20 lobster season along the southwestern shore of Nova Scotia. The new trap design –

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3 Reasons To Complete our Survey

We’d like to thank all the founders who have taken two minutes to complete our survey, and make another request to others to please fill it in – today, if possible.

Well over 100 founders have completed the 15-question survey, but we need more responses. So we’re asking the scores of founders who have been meaning to fill it in to please do so ASAP. Each year, we hear from CEOs who say they’ve

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MTI Developing MedTech in London

In a research facility in London’s East End, a team from Halifax-based Metamaterial Technologies Inc. is toiling in a sector that’s not seen as the company’s core business.

They’re working on medical devices.

MTI is a specialist in producing metamaterials – materials comprising compounds not found in nature – that alter light, either by magnifying, repelling or filtering it. The company is best

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Nodalblock Lands GSK as Client

Nodalblock, a blockchain company based in Spain and Halifax, has secured healthcare giant GlaxoSmithKline plc as a client.

Nodalblock released a statement last week saying it had been selected to develop a blockchain-based solution for quality assurance for GSK’s factory in Aranda de Duero, Spain.

GSK Aranda, which is working with the Insomnia Innovation Hub, chose Nodalblock to minimize the

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Jobs of the Week: 2 at Dash Hudson

Our Jobs of the Week column today features a couple of openings at Halifax’s Dash Hudson, which is in the market for a Sales Development Representative and a Junior Customer Success Representative.

Dash Hudson is a visual marketing Software-as-a-Service company that helps its clients increase engagement on their social media. Its software, called Vision, is a one-stop spot for clients to manage,

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