Six Named to Energia Cohort

Fredericton-based Energia Ventures, the accelerator for energy, cleantech, cybersecurity and artificial intelligence companies, has named six startups to its Spring 2021 cohort.

The accelerator, which is operated by the University of New Brunswick’s J. Herbert Smith Centre for Technology Management and Entrepreneurship, or UNB TME, has held annual cohorts for the past four years. This year, for

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CAN Health Moves into Region

A network of public health organizations created to support Canadian medtech businesses is expanding into the Atlantic provinces, with an eye towards giving local startups an edge on their American competitors.

The CAN Health Network organizes public health agencies and private health companies to give Canadian businesses advance notice about planned medtech tenders. In Atlantic Canada, six

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Jobs: Director of Quality at Protocase

Our Job of the Week column today features an opening for a Director of Quality at Protocase in Sydney.

Established in 2001, the company focuses on combining advances in software with advanced manufacturing techniques to offer unique custom manufacturing to the engineering, design, and research industries.  The company has more than 175 employees and 12,000 clients.

The Job of the Week column

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Innovacorp Seeks ‘Accelerate’ Applicants

Nova Scotia venture capital Crown corporation Innovacorp is launching a revamped version of its Accelerate program, which will replace both the old, longer program of the same name and the shorter Sprint accelerator.

Accelerate will be completely virtual and focus on oceantech, medtech, agtech and cleantech. The program is meant for companies that have established a market opportunity.

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Polyamyna Preps for Clinical Trials

St. John’s-based disinfectant maker Polyamyna Nanotech has inked a deal with Eastern Health to run clinical trials of its product once it receives Health Canada approval.

Polyamyna, which graduated from the Genesis Evolution program in January, says its disinfectant has been proven by third-party testing to kill antimicrobial-resistant pathogens, sometimes called “superbugs.” It can be used to

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Frenter Wins Volta Contest

A fledgling company that allows individuals to rent and hire personal items like sports equipment has won a pitching contest run by innovation hub Volta.

Halifax-based frenter soft launched on April 5th.  Fifteen-year-old Zachary Laberge, the venture’s Founder, said the company already has 40 users. Frenter is about to launch its #takebacksummer campaign which will help people celebrate the

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CandidateHub Automates Recruiting

With COVID-19 making the hiring process more complex than ever, a Riverview, N.B. company has developed a solution to help automate the process of finding and attracting job seekers.

Brad DiPaolo is the founder of, which lets employers peer into the “hidden talent market” -- people who are eyeing a potential employer, but haven’t formally reached out. The software is being

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Atlantic FinTech at Payment Summit

Industry group Atlantic FinTech will participate in the 2021 Payments Canada Summit, Canada’s largest payments conference, along with two Moncton-area companies that are members of the group. 

The association will be joined by purchase-to–payment software platform SnapAP and WeyMedia, a company that runs creditcardGenius, a credit card matchmaker that compares features of Canadian and American

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Pivot to COVID Test Boosts LuminUltra

For a Fredericton life sciences company dating back more than two decades, the pandemic has offered an opportunity to reinvigorate its business and venture into the lucrative world of diagnostic medical testing.

LuminUltra was already an innovation success story. Since its founding in 2003, based on technology that had been in development since 1995, LuminUltra has carved out a market for itself

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