Propel Announces Vision and Validation Cohort

Virtual startup accelerator Propel has announced the companies participating in its Vision and Validation program for very early-stage founders.

Nova Scotia companies have made a particularly strong showing, comprising eight of the 14 participants, with four hailing from New Brunswick and two from Prince Edward Island.

The program focuses on teaching new entrepreneurs how to validate their

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AI and Technical Sales Focuses of TechNL Upskilling: CEO

Despite short-term economic uncertainty, Newfoundland and Labrador industry group techNL is preparing for long-term growth in the sector and increasing demands on the labour force, CEO Florian Villaumé said in an interview last week.

The organization is focused on developing a labour force skilled at working with artificial intelligence, as well as filling a particular deficit the organization’s

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Rise Books $3M Annual Revenue

Rise, the Fredericton B-Crop specializing in sustainable home renovation materials, reached $3 million of revenue in its second year of sales and hit break-even.

The progress comes as Rise looks to concurrently raise $850,000 from angel investors and another $3 million of venture capital financing, CEO Matt Daigle said in an interview Thursday.

The company hit the revenue milestone in June,

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3D BioFibR Scaleup Project Receives $1.3M Funding

Halifax life sciences startup 3D BioFibR and collaborator PlantForm Corporation, headquartered in Toronto, are receiving $1.3 million from industry group Next Generation Manufacturing Canada, or NGen.

The money will fund efforts by the two companies to scale 3D BioFibR’s process for manufacturing biofibres — fibres that exist in nature and are used by humans, such as spider silk and collagen —

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TheraPBios to Expand Bioteem40 Line Nationally

Probiotics and nutritional supplements are billion-dollar industries in Canada. A Windsor, N.S. company aims to combine them.

TheraPBios PHARMA, doing business as Bioteem40, sells a range of nutritional supplements that include both probiotics and substances like collagen and biotin that can offer other benefits, like improved skin health. The company’s distribution network now includes 40

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NBCC Links Groups and Researchers

New Brunswick Community College has launched a program allowing public and private sector organizations to spend $25,000 for six months of work from an NBCC researcher as part of a push by the institution to promote digital readiness in industry.

TechVilleNB, as the program is named, is administered through NBCC’s College Office of Research and Enterprise, or CORE, industry group Springboard

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Infusd Enters Trade Accelerator

Halifax’s Infusd Nutrition is the only Atlantic Canadian startup out of eight companies to be accepted into this year’s cohort of the federal Trade Commissioner’s Canadian Technology Accelerator for foodtech.

The four-month program offers innovative food companies training and business development opportunities focusing on exporting to a target region — in the case of the foodtech program

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OceanSync Tracks Maritime Weather

With the help of sensors mounted on customer ships, Halifax’s OceanSync is commercializing a potential solution to a longstanding challenge for the marine industry: that of obtaining reliable weather data.

Chief executive Sebastiaan Ambtman, who founded the company in 2020 with energy sector entrepreneur Jarret Stuart, arrived in Halifax from Amsterdam by sailboat. During the passage, he recalls

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