CENE to Launch at Venture Forum

Canadian Entrepreneurs in New England, a Boston-based group dedicated to helping Canadian tech and biotech companies navigate the New England startup community, will be launched at the Atlantic Venture Forum in Halifax in June.

Critical Path, the Vancouver-based organizer of the Venture Forum, issued a brochure this week that shows the group, modelled on C100 of San Francisco, that will be unveiled at the event, June 19 and 20.

Though it shares a name with the Halifax radio station, C100 in the startup world is the name of a group of Canadian tech professionals working in Silicon Valley

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CTA@NYC Aiding Tech Startups

When Andrew Cherwenka first showed up in New York to market his Toronto-based startup Authintic, he worked out of coffee shops, always on the lookout for a spot with free wi-fi.

Today, he’s working in shared space in the city’s Flatiron district and enrolled in one of the leading initiatives of the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs to develop Canadian startups.

Authintic is one of six Canadian tech companies now enrolled in the Canadian Tech Accelerator at New York City, or CTA@NYC. Though none of the current participants are from Atlantic Canada, the 30 or so companies that have

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Media Spot Me Mulls Move to Halifax

Media Spot Me, a Kitchener, Ont.-based, startup that helps link journalists and experts, is considering a move to Halifax if it can make the economics of such a move work out.


The company was started two years ago by former television journalist Stavros Rougas and his technical co-founder Ebrahim Ashrafizadeh to help solve the problem journalists face in finding experts to comment on topical events. Rougas is a former TV producer, and understands the difficulty in quickly finding experts — usually academics — to speak on any given issue.


Having launched the service a month ago,

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Jenkins Pushes Federal Procurement

One of Canada’s leading specialists in innovation on Tuesday urged Atlantic Canada’s entrepreneurs to embrace federal government procurement as a means of driving their products to market.

Tom Jenkins, the Executive Chairman of Waterloo-based OpenText, told a luncheon speech at the Nova Scotia Innovation Summit in Halifax that government procurement is more effective than subsidies as a tool for encouraging innovation. And he added the good news is government procurement, especially in select sectors like defense programs, is destined to be lucrative for several decades.

“Government as

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TopLog Seeks Partner to Aid Rollout

TopLog is three entrepreneurs from three countries who will soon have three doctorates in computer science.  And they have a single mission: to develop a company that makes life easier for network system administrators.

“TopLog turns system data into intelligence that can save you and your company time and money and prevent data loss,” explained Ozge Yeloglu, the president of the young Halifax-based company.

The company was developed from the doctoral thesis of Tokunbo Makanju, a Nigerian who received his PhD in computer science from Dalhousie University last year. Various people within

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Celsius Aims High with Drifter

When Celsius Game Studios Inc. releases its space-trading game Drifter later this year, it will feature planets or star systems named after five real-life Earthlings, who have paid handsomely for the naming rights.

Based in St. John’s, N.L., Celsius has already launched three games; the most successful sold 9,000 copies.

Founder Colin Walsh wanted to do something more ambitious with his next game. To finance his plans, he launched a Kickstarter “crowdfunding” campaign last May, aiming to raise $50,000.

 (Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a venture by raising small amounts of

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Cowan: 7 Factors about Incorporating

A corporation or a partnership?

That’s a question facing a lot of founding teams early in their startup life, and it keeps coming up until they finally decide to incorporate.

As with so many business decisions, the correct answer depends on your circumstances. So the best advice I can give is to make sure you’ve considered all these factors before you act:

  1. Do you need incorporation to receive non-dilutive funds? Some funding organizations will only allot grants, loans or other contributions to corporations and not partnerships. And in the early stages, non-dilutive financing can be
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Girls Tech League Finals Saturday

CompCamp, the group dedicated to teaching teens to code, has issued the following press release on its Girls Tech League championship this weekend:

Halifax, NS, April 9, 2013 – The Girls Tech League, a programing competition for junior high school girls, will hold its championship at Mount Saint Vincent University.

The four teams – from Highland Park Junior High School, Fairview Junior High School and two from Bicentennial Junior High School – have been learning computer programming in after-school sessions since early January. During this time, each team has created an app prototype

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Headspace Preps Pitch Perfect Launch

Pitch Perfect, a spinoff from Halifax consultancy Headspace Design, will make its long-awaited debut in the autumn, after its developers conduct beta tests in the next few months.

The new company allows commercial design consultants and other professionals to improve the look of their proposals to potential clients, and enjoy more flexibility and ease-of-use when collaborating on pitches. The idea is that a professional submitting a visually appealing pitch with lots of design features will have a leg up over competitors who submit bland Word documents.

Headspace design director Kyle

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Kira Awards Finalists Announced

The KIRA Awards' Selection Committee yesterday announced the finalists for the 2013 Knowledge Industry Recognition and Achievement award.

The winners of the New Brunswick award will be named at a dinner May 2 at the Fredericton Convention Centre. Information on the tickets is available here.

The nominees are:


•Green Imaging Technologies Inc. •LuminUltra •Vimsoft

Most Promising Start-Up

•IntroHive •Rt Tech Software Inc. •TotalPave

Technological Advancement and/or Innovation - Private

•Inversa Systems •Smart Skin Technologies •SPIELO International


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