Sydney’s Verschuren Centre Builds Bio Hub

At a time when Atlantic Canada in general is attracting innovation-driven companies from other parts of Canada and the wider world, no city has attracted more startups than Sydney, which is establishing a thriving life sciences cluster.

At least seven companies from outside the region have established operations in Sydney in the last year, attracted by the facilites at the Verschuren Centre,

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Ready2Launch Seeks Applicants

Dalhousie University has opened applications for its second Ready2Launch cohort, a summer accelerator for Atlantic Canadian university students and recent graduates.

The three-month program for technology-based ventures will be offered virtually this year, and begin in June. Undergraduate, graduate and PhD students as well as postdoctoral fellows are welcome to apply.

“Dalhousie University is

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Ocean Startup Challenge Seeks Entries

The Ocean Startup Project has opened applications for the second cohort of the Ocean Startup Challenge, quadrupling the total prize money to $1.4 million.

The Ocean Startup Project is a pan-regional group dedicated to identifying and nurturing early-stage oceantech companies, not just in Atlantic Canada but across Canada and elsewhere. The group’s major initiative is the Ocean Startup Challenge,

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Propel CEO’s Letter from the Future

March 29th, 2024

Dear Three Years Ago:

Looking back on 2020, it became clear early on that COVID would disrupt the global economy and that local impact would be determined by harmony between public health officials and political leadership. Luckily, in Atlantic Canada, we watched the rest of the world transition between lockdowns, school closures and COVID tests, while we used our relative

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Blue Charm Acquires Symbi Medical

In a marriage of two companies operating out of Volta, Blue Charm Adherence has purchased Symbi Medical for an undisclosed price to increase the capabilities of its software and help patients get the best treatment possible.

Blue Charm is led by CEO Greg Patey, previously one of the Co-Founders of STI Technologies, which helped drug companies distribute samples efficiently. It was sold to the

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Amid Beta, KorrAI Plots $500K Raise

Halifax-based KorrAI, whose artificial intelligence-powered solution helps such clients as miners analyze aeriel photos and geographic images, is midway through an equity funding round it hopes will reach $500,000.

The company is developing an AI platform that can be used by mining and environmental services companies to study patches of land, using satellite images and other data.

It has

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Dal Plans Computer Enrollment Rise

Dalhousie University plans to markedly increase Computer Science enrollment in the coming years with the $13.3 million in funding from the Nova Scotia government, said the university’s President Deep Saini.

In an interview after hosting Premier Iain Rankin at the university, Saini said the Dal Faculty of Computer Science currently awards about 250 graduate degrees each year, and it plans to

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