Airbly To Launch 100 Units This Summer

When Chris VanHorne bought his own small plane with seven other pilots, he wished there were some system that automatically compiled the flight logs.

There is now.

VanHorne set up a company to make one.

An engineer by training, VanHorne teamed up with developer Peter Osif to form Argyle Shore, P.E.I.-based Airbly, which has created hardware and software that can be installed in private

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Affinio Adds Staff as Sales Rise

Tim Burke wandered through the empty half of Affinio’s office to the meeting room where the interview would take place.

In the early morning sunshine, this half of the open-plan office was an expanse of empty tables, and a ping pong table, but no sign of anyone working – so far.

“Oh, it will fill up,” Burke said with an easy smile when he was seated.

When Affinio, the company Burke heads,

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Grads Love Region, Worry About Jobs

An overwhelming majority of students studying at Atlantic Canadian universities and colleges want to stay in the region but have grave concerns about opportunities here, a new poll shows.

The poll by Corporate Research Associates also found that a mere two per cent of university and college grads want to start their own business.

The survey of 4,643 graduates of 21 post-secondary institutions

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Startup Zone Opens in Charlottetown

Government and geeks came together in downtown Charlottetown on Friday to officially open the Startup Zone, the new incubator for young businesses on P.E.I.

The 3,600-square-foot facility at Water and Queen streets has enough space for about 16 companies, and will be a work zone for tech and innovation startups as well as other entrepreneurial pursuits. It will also be the P.E.I. base for Propel

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Itavio Enters Matter in Silicon Valley

Itavio, the Moncton startup that helps parents control how much money their children spend on online games, has been accepted into the prestigious Matter accelerator in Silicon Valley.

Itavio is the first Canadian company ever accepted into the accelerator, which teaches curriculum developed at Stanford University and works with such partners as the Google News Lab, the New York Times and the

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The Farmers’ Truck Rolls into Moncton

After starting Moncton’s first farmers’ truck to sell local produce last year, Fred Laforge and his co-founder Mathieu Reyjal, are working out of Moncton’s Vennture Garage with the aim of franchising their idea.

The duo set up The Farmers’ Truck to sell a range of produce farmed within 160 kilometres of Moncton after realizing the difficulties farmers face in getting their products to market.

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AVF Pitchers Highlight Initial Markets

If there is a theme developing in the pitches we’ve seen this week in Halifax, it is that East Coast startups are finding their paths to an initial market.

In the Propel Demo Day on Tuesday and the first day of the Atlantic Venture Forum on Wednesday, we’re seeing pitches that highlight sales or lay out (for the most part) credible plans on getting to market.

At its heart, the AVF is a meeting place for Atlantic Canadian entrepreneurs and investors from outside the region. And the underlying message in many of the meetings is that the founders have identified their first markets and know

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Resson’s $14M Round Led by Monsanto

In a landmark venture capital funding, Fredericton agriculture technology company Resson has raised US$11 million (C$14 million) from Monsanto Growth Ventures and other investors to expand its team and open a Silicon Valley office.

Resson said in a statement today that the investment was led by the VC arm of Monsanto, the St. Louis-based agrichemical and agritech giant that is best known for its

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