Ocean Startup Project Preps for Year 2

Having completed its first full year, the Ocean Startup Project is gearing up to increase its work in Year 2 with a mission of producing more ocean-related startups in the region and country.

The project is a collaboration between a range of groups in all four Atlantic Provinces, and it has three main programs that nurture early-stage oceantech startups and prepare them for more advanced

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Help Us Prep for Entrevestor Events

We see the Entrevestor Survey as a community project, with founders providing us with data while we in turn share what we learn with the community.

We’re on Day 3 of our campaign to have founders of Atlantic Canadian innovation-driven startups complete our survey, which is quick and confidential. We promise that founders and support organizations will once again benefit from this collaborative

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Please Take 3 Minutes To Complete our Survey

We’re asking all founders of Atlantic Canadian startups to fill in our survey, which we believe will help the startup community and support mental health.

We launched our survey yesterday, keeping it to just 15 questions so it can be completed in a couple of minutes. And we appreciate the founders who have already completed it, and would encourage others to do so as well.

For each completed

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Launching Our Latest Survey

Today we are launching our survey to capture data on the Atlantic Canadian startup community in 2020, and we’re asking all founders in the region to take a few minutes to complete the 15-question survey.

We know how busy people are, so we have kept it as brief as possible. Filling it in creates three benefits.

First, it helps to produce meaningful metrics on the startup community, which results

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NS Invests $5M in Sandpiper

The Nova Scotian government is contributing $5 million to Sandpiper Ventures, the first venture capital fund of the Atlantic Women’s Venture Fund.

The investment from the provincial government, announced on Friday, is a key step in the Women’s Venture Fund’s mission to launch a $20 million early-stage fund to invest in women led businesses, mainly in Atlantic Canada. Sandpiper expects to launch

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Job of the Week: Dash Hudson

Our Job of the Week column today showcases an opening for a Renewals Account Executive at Dash Hudson in Halifax.

Dash Hudson is a visual marketing Software-as-a-Service company that helps its clients increase engagement on their social media. Its software, called Vision, is a one-stop spot for clients to manage, source and engage with the traffic of their photos and videos.

The Job of the Week

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McCain Takes Stake in Fiddlehead

McCain Foods has made a “significant investment” in Moncton-based Fiddlehead Technology, buying out existing investors in the predictive modeling company and positioning it for further growth.

The parties on Thursday would reveal no details of the deal, except to say that it would leave McCain and Co-Founder and CEO Shawn Carver as the only shareholders of the company. McCain Foods will have a

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