Tribe Network, the organization dedicated to supporting Atlantic Canadian founders who identify as Black, Indigenous or People of Colour, is receiving a $500,000 donation from the Halifax-based energy company Emera.

Emera had previously contributed $300,000 to Tribe in 2021, so the latest announcement brings the company’s total donation to $800,000. The two groups said as many as 3,000 members of the region’s BIPOC community could benefit from the funding, which will be made over the next three years.

The two groups on Thursday held a joint press conference at the Tribe headquarters in downtown Halifax to announce the funding and that Emera would become Tribe’s innovation partner.

"Through this partnership with Emera, we are positioned to expand our impact on the entrepreneurial ecosystem for racialized individuals in Atlantic Canada," said Tribe Founder and CEO Alfred Burgesson in a statement. "By providing people access to funding, resources, and a supportive community, we are not just empowering entrepreneurs, we are catalyzing a movement towards a more inclusive and innovative future in the region. We are grateful for Emera’s continued support."

Launched three years ago, Tribe supports BIPOC entrepreneurs through mentorship, structured programs, funding and offering meeting space. Last month, the organization teamed up with Halifax startup hub Volta to launch Accelerate Black Tech, a new accelerator program for Black entrepreneurs.

The Emera funding will be used for the following purposes:

The Tribe Start Small Grant Program, which will provide funding and other support for up to 300 minority entrepreneurs and community leaders;

Collaboration, meeting and co-working spaces at the Tribe headquarters;

And ecosystem funding, which includes money for challenges, events, and mentorship and coaching programs.

“Since we first partnered with Tribe in 2021, it’s become clear they’re making an incredible impact on lives and diverse communities across Atlantic Canada,” said Emera President and CEO Scott Balfour. “We’re proud to continue supporting Tribe’s important work in breaking down barriers and creating opportunities to develop the next generation of leaders and innovators."