Ecosystem members are invited to watch 24 teams from University of New Brunswick and other Canadian post-secondary institutions compete for up to $30,000 in cash awards later this month.
The BMO Apex Startup Challenge will be held Thursday, Jan. 23 and Friday, Jan. 24 at the University of New Brunswick and at startup hub Planet Hatch.
The events include:
The Elevator Pitch Competition & Networking Reception, in which all 24 teams will have one minute to pitch their businesses to the judging panel. Thursday January 23, 4:30pm-7:00pm, Planet Hatch, 50 Crowther Lane. Please RSVP by Jan. 20.
Apex Reception & Awards Ceremony where the winners of the contest will be revealed. Friday January 26, 4:00pm-5:30pm, Wu Conference Centre. Please RSVP by Jan. 20.