If you founded or co-founded a startup in Atlantic Canada in 2022, this note is addressed to you.
We're adding new startups to our databank and we want to make sure we have as many new companies as possible, including those still in stealth mode.
At Entrevestor, we publish an annual Startup Data Report, sponsored by both private and public sector entities and thereby free for anyone to read, in which we track the growth and health of the Atlantic Canadian startup ecosystem.
We do this in part by maintaining a database of startups active in the region, which also doubles as a list of companies for us to monitor for news, announcements and press releases.
For the purposes of the database, we define a startup as a company that is commercializing technological innovation for global markets. The business must also be based in one of the four Atlantic provinces.
Now is the time of year when we update our database, so if you launched a new business last year and we haven’t mentioned you in our daily news coverage, please email company principal Peter Moreira at peter@entrevestor.com, and put “New Company” in the subject line. Doing so will let us know your company exists and help us continue providing valuable news and data to the innovation ecosystem.
(If your company has ever been mentioned in an Entrevestor news story, then we've already added your name to the list. This message is really for the companies we've never mentioned.)
Why do this? Because policy-makers, politicians and support organizations rely on Entrevestor's data to understand the innovation community in the region. The more information we have, the better they understand the ecosystem and hopefully better programs will result.
Thank you.