Welcome to Entrevestor, the news and analysis blogging site for the community of investors, entrepreneurs and innovators in Atlantic Canada.
Just about every word in that first sentence tells you about our mission at Entrevestor.
First of all, we write blogs that comprise news and analysis. We’re not here just to give you our reflections on what other people have reported. We aim to bring you news, maybe not every day but every week. We want our readers to learn something when they log on to entrevestor.com. And we hope that we will go beyond the immediate news to give it context and explain what it means.  
We write for investors, entrepreneurs and innovators, the people who come together to start new businesses in the region.  That group includes not only people forming companies and the people financing them. It comprises government agencies, intermediaries like lawyers and accountants, and academics who are coming up with new technology.
We believe this group forms a community that stretches across Atlantic Canada. And we believe there are too few mechanisms uniting and informing this community. We hope that Entrevestor will help to fill that void. If we perform this job properly, the startup community in Atlantic Canada will have a news service that is unique in the country.
One final word that’s important: Welcome! If you’re reading this, we hope that you’re part of this community and will feel at home reading Entrevestor regularly. Please feel free to get in touch with us, to tell us what you’re doing, to pass along news. We’re looking forward to working with you.
-- Peter and Carol Moreira