VidCruiter, a Moncton-based video recruitment company, has been accepted into the Canadian Technology Accelerator, or CTA, in Silicon Valley.

CEO Sean Fahey said Tuesday he will spend the next three months traveling between New Brunswick and San Francisco so he can attend the prestigious accelerator. It’s the third accelerator program he has entered in the past year – last year he attended both PropelICT’s Launch36 program and the McKenzie Accelerator at McKenzie College in Moncton.

VidCruiter offers clients a customized video format that allows job applicants to video-record their submissions, so HR teams can speed up the hiring process and weed out unqualified applicants before they come in for interviews. The goal is to speed up and reduce costs in the hiring process. By adding VidTrainer to its suite of products, the company hopes to deepen its relationship with clients.

The CTA is managed by the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service in San Francisco and has four facilities. Its goal is to provide qualified Canadian tech, life sciences, and cleantech companies with access to the unique resources and contacts that exist in Silicon Valley. Some 200 Canadian companies applied for the accelerator.

As a participant in the CTA, Fahey will receive office space in Silicon Valley, introduction to experienced mentors and advisors, including those involved in C100, and additional support from the Canadian Trade Commissioner.

In November, Fahey said he’d expanded the company’s office and now has nine fulltime employees with strongly rising revenues.