Canada’s Ocean Supercluster, the national group that co-funds research and development projects with the private sector, is looking for climatetech-related proposals.

The Supercluster, which splits the cost of projects with companies and universities, is looking to back work related to ocean-based carbon capture and storage, sustainable food production, and ocean-going robots with sensors for research applications, as well as fintech and insurance players aimed at financing or enabling cleantech businesses.

Other topics the Supercluster says it is interested in include technology to help humans adapt to climate change, improve the resiliency of coastal areas and generally decarbonize the maritime sector.

“The undeniable impacts of climate change have underscored the urgency of finding innovative and impactful solutions that will have an impact on our planet, people, and economy,” says the Supercluster on its website.

“Canada’s Ocean Supercluster’s Call for Proposals is dedicated to identifying, supporting, and amplifying projects that offer tangible and scalable commercial approaches to address the multifaceted aspects of climate change.”

The deadline to apply is Dec. 6, and you can learn more here.