Thank you to everyone who has filled out our survey! You’ve helped us generate metrics on the region’s startup ecosystem and you’ve helped Australians recover from devastating wildfires.

When we launched our survey this year, we promised to donate $10 to the Canadian Red Cross’s Australia Wildfire Relief campaign for every completed survey we accepted by Feb. 10. We’ve kept that promise. On Wednesday, we donated $1,330 to the Red Cross to help alleviate the suffering in Australia -- $10 for each of the 133 surveys we accepted by the deadline.  

But we still need more surveys. And I’ll continue to ask people to fill out the survey.


Because Entrevestor’s data is used by the decision-makers to understand what it happening among innovation-driven companies in the region. Also, our data product is a cornerstone of our business, and it allows us to continue to provide free news for and about East Coast entrepreneurs.

So, we’re really thrilled to have made this donation, but the work isn’t over. If you’re a founder and haven’t filled out the survey this year, please do so. We’ve ended the donation program so new surveys won’t mean more money for wildfire relief, but you can still help the ecosystem by completing the survey.

Your answers are 100 percent confidential, and you can skip questions you don’t want to answer. The whole thing is just 14 questions, and can be completed in minutes.

Click on this image for the link.