We’re extremely proud today to publish our first quarterly Entrevestor Intelligence report on the Waterloo Region, which highlights the need for KW and Toronto to develop Canada’s Tech Supercity.
This report is now on our site, and printed copies are now available free in such strategic locations as the Accelerator Centre, the Communitech lobby and Velocity. They will soon be available at the Digital Media Zone at Ryerson University.
Check Out our Library of Entrevestor Intelligence Reports
This is our 13th Entrevestor Intelligence report, and we now intend to put out quarterly reports in the Waterloo Region as well as Atlantic Canada. We realized four years ago that there are limits to posting daily blogs online, and these reports give us greater scope to delve into issues that concern startup communities.
For example, our headline story in this report is on the need to fully develop an innovation corridor from Toronto to the Waterloo Region. There are elements for this in place, but more is needed in terms of funding, sales strategy and infrastructure.
In researching this piece, we sought the views of Communitech President and CEO Iain Klugman, Kik CEO Ted Livingston, OMERS Ventures CEO John Ruffolo, and Google Canada Managing Director Sam Sebastian and Kitchener Mayor Berry Vrbanovic.
We’ve delved into – and even produced an infographic on – the recent Compass report on the Waterloo region. Ellyn Winters-Robinson, President and Chief Marketing Officer for Ignition Communications, got opinions on the tech corridor from Tim Jackson, the EVP Corporate and Community Development and Lead Executive at the MaRS Centre for Impact Investing.
And we’ve got reports detailing why the Waterloo Region is such a great tech centre. Reporter Rose Behar profiled construction software makers Bridgit, and we took a look at the expansion of Velocity.
In closing the report, Jaguar Capital President Gerard Buckley offers keen insights on corporate governance for startups.
We’d like to thank our advertisers, EY, McInnes Cooper and St. Mary’s Univeristy’s MTEI program – they made this report possible. And special thanks go out to our designer Roxanna Boers.