I was really lucky recently to interview Ryan Holmes, the CEO of HootSuite, for an article in USA Today. The story ran late last week.

The Vancouver social media management company this summer raised $165 million in VC funding, the largest raise ever in Canada. The article looks at how the four-year-old company now plans to continue its spectacular growth.

What I found interesting about HootSuite is that it is developing the discipline needed to become a publicly traded company. It reports quarterly financial statements. All its statements have the rigors of a public company’s releases. Same goes for corporate governance.

I’m not saying this company will definitely list. What I’m saying is this is how a Canadian tech startup plans to develop into a truly international corporation. It’s worth taking notice.

Many thanks for Sandy Pell of HootSuite for arranging the interview, and to David Callaway and Nancy Blair of USA Today for their sage and patient guidance.