We see the Entrevestor Survey as a community project, with founders providing us with data while we in turn share what we learn with the community.

We’re on Day 3 of our campaign to have founders of Atlantic Canadian innovation-driven startups complete our survey, which is quick and confidential. We promise that founders and support organizations will once again benefit from this collaborative effort.

This data allows us to produce our Atlantic Canada Startup Data report, and to present our findings at events with audiences throughout the region. In 2018 and 2019, we held events in every province, and held private briefings with several organizations that support the region’s startups.

Even in 2020, during the pandemic, we led an in-person event in Charlottetown, and held virtual events with audiences from all other Atlantic Provinces.  

Hundreds of people each year attend the events and download the report. Each company that fills in the survey helps to ensure we get the best data possible.

Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey so our next report will be the best yet.

For each completed survey filled in by an innovation-driven startup based in the region by Feb.19, we’ll donate $10 to the Canadian Mental Health Association, capping the donation at $2,000.