Two Atlantic Canadian startups have inked collaboration deals with foreign companies: Halifax construction fintech specialist Harbr and Fredericton- and Miami-based sales software-maker Introhive.

Introhive sells artificial intelligence technology to identify data stored in companies’ computer systems and help them use it to increase revenue and improve productivity. And Harbr automates work-tracking and invoicing for construction contractors, who largely still rely on paper-based systems for billing developers.

Harbr has incorporated Colombian payment platform Payar Solutions’ early-invoicing system into its software, giving contractors the option to request early payment for work they have completed, albeit at a discounted rate. And London, England-based business school Consalia, which focuses its curricula on sales training, will incorporate Introhive's software into its program offerings.

“Customer intelligence is key for a salesperson to be successful and Consalia sees that," said Introhive CEO Jody Glidden in a press release. "Our sophisticated AI-powered platform frees up salespeople to build relationships and experience peak performance.

“Consalia's students are learning how to be quality salespeople by using software that helps them focus on what matters, the relationship between them and the customer.”

The Consalia deal is the latest in a series of wins for Introhive that have seen the company recover from the pandemic by raising the largest pure equity funding round in Atlantic Canadian history last year — a mammoth US$100 million Series C raise.

Founded in 2012, Introhive now has offices in locations as varied as Fredericton, Miami, Saint John, Halifax, Washington, D.C., Chicago, London and India.

Harbr, meanwhile, was working on a $5 million funding round last autumn. CEO Dave Kim said at the time he hoped to add lending capability to Harbr’s platform by the second quarter of this year. He also said he expected to soon make his team’s software available to any interested developers, phasing out the invite-only system the company has been using.

Harbr had nine employees as of Oct. 2021 and is currently hiring a sales executive to be based in New York City. The job posting can be found here.

And Introhive, which had 300 employees as of June 2020 and planned to reach 400 by the end of that year, is hiring for numerous roles including a director of customer success, as well as senior software engineers in Halifax and Miami. Introhive lists its job openings here.