There’s still time to complete our survey, so please do it today if you head a qualifying startup.

I’ve been calling and contacting startups to prod them, and the comment I keep hearing is: ‘I’ve been meaning to get around to it but it slipped my mind.’

Please just take two minutes right now to complete the survey. It helps the Atlantic Canadian startup ecosystem and the effort to help Australia recover from the recent wildfires.

This survey is quick, confidential and you can skip questions you feel you can’t answer.

It helps Entrevestor to provide free news on and for our community. The startup data report is a pillar of our business model, and it means we can continue to report on what’s happening in the startup world.

We’re offering a further incentive to founders and CEOs to complete the survey promptly. We will donate $10 for each completed survey we accept by the end of the day Wednesday the Canadian Red Cross’s Australia Fires Appeal. We’re capping this at 200 responses, so we could donate as much as $2000.

We will accept surveys for another week or two, but the deadline for the Australian relief contributions is Wednesday night.

You can find the survey by clicking here:

Here’s the fine print on our donations:

To be accepted as one of the 200 responses, you have to complete at least nine of the 14 questions. (We believe you can do this without revealing sensitive information.)

For your responses to be accepted, you have to meet our three criteria for a startup: 1. An Atlantic Canadian-owned company; 2. Commercializing innovation; and 3. Making a product for a global market.

We will publish how much we’ve donated to the Canadian Red Cross later this week.

By taking just two minutes to answer these questions, you can support Entrevestor’s work, develop important metrics for the community, and help to ease the suffering in Australia.

Please contact me at with any queries.