We have posted articles recognizing and thanking many people who supported Entrevestor Live, which was held Thursday at Volta. But there were a few people working behind the scenes that deserve our sincere thanks.

Entrevestor Live was a showcase for some of the hottest startups in the region. Hosted by Propel CEO Kathryn Lockhart, it featured a range of speakers from founders to investors to representatives of support organizations.

To thank the speakers and the backstage help, Entrevestor donated $300 to the Canadian Mental Health Association, whose cause is so crucial as we emerge from the pandemic.

There are a few other people who deserve special recognition:

Martha Conrad and Natasha Hudson

Entrevestor Live Steering Committee

Jeff Muton from the Business Development Bank of Canada suggested in the spring that we needed a steering committee for Entrevestor Live, and his St. John’s-based colleague Natasha Hudson was the first to join. Next came Martha Casey, who was then CEO of Volta and is now the Vice-President of Operations and Business Transformation at the International Institute for Sustainable Development. Kathryn Lockhart later joined to round out the committee, whose guidance was invaluable.

Amy Conrad

Senior Manager, Events and Operations


Conrad’s mastery is evident at the scores of events held at Volta each year, and it was certainly evident at Entrevestor Live.

Mike Cyr and Mike Hayes

Charcoal Marketing.

The two Mikes help Entrevestor with all our technical and marketing needs, not just putting on our event. They are as patient and cheerful as they are knowledgeable.

Craig Moore

Spider Video

Entrevestor Live required an AV team that could tape and broadcast speakers from the stage at Volta and also bring in remote speakers from as far away as San Francisco to join the discussions. It had to work with a team at University of New Brunswick to capture a fireside chat in Fredericton. And it had to send it all out to a remote viewers as far away as Scotland. Spider Video was a joy to work with and pulled it off with aplomb.

Annette Wetmore, Heather Marmura, Sarah Martell and Nicole Andrade

University of New Brunswick

The marketing and AV teams at UNB, and the crew at the Wu Conference Centre had a difficult job to organize a fireside chat remotely, and broadcast it to a live audience. Mission accomplished, without a hitch.

I know I’ve missed people so I’ll ask the forgiveness of all who we’ve omitted. Putting on an event like Entrevestor Live requires a true team effort, and we want to thank everyone who assisted us.