12 Companies To Present at AVF

The Atlantic Venture Forum has announced the 12 companies that will present at the 2017 conference, which this year will include a special stream for life sciences and health technology companies.

As well as providing a range of speakers, the AVF works to link investors inside and outside the region with some of Atlantic Canada’s leading startups or high-growth companies. Each year, there are

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Labfundr Raises Money for Research

Labfundr, a Halifax startup that has developed a crowdfunding site for scientific research, has launched its first campaign, which will help develop a databank of blood samples for Canadian children and teens.

Founded by scientific researcher Eric Fisher, Labfundr is designed to help scientists raise funding by seeking support from a broad range of people who understand the value of the

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Region Eyes Oceans Supercluster

Atlantic Canada is making a push to establish a “pan-Atlantic oceans cluster” with the hope of tapping the $950-million supercluster program announced in the last federal budget.

There’s been some scuttlebutt in economic development circles lately about such an effort. Now a subcommittee of Liberal MPs from all four provinces has trumpeted the oceans cluster as one of five of its recommendations

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Rodgers To Head CDL-Atlantic

Jesse Rodgers, the head of Volta Labs, has been named the regional leader of the Creative Destruction Lab Atlantic, the new Halifax-based accelerator that was officially announced Thursday.

CDL, which began at University of Toronto in 2012, is possibly Canada’s most demanding tech accelerator. It opened a Vancouver pod last year, and on Thursday it announced three other locations for its 2017-18

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DGI Executes Two-Pronged Strategy

Halifax-based DGI Clinical takes a two-pronged approach to boosting healthcare: the group gives patients a voice and allows pharmaceutical companies to better understand their clinical trial data. 

DGI Clinical has developed systems that allow patients to state and communicate their healthcare priorities. 

Established in 2001 by Dalhousie University-based Alzheimer’s expert Kenneth Rockwood,

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EduCode’s Pilot in Coding Education

The French school system in New Brunswick is launching a pilot project that will teach computer coding to junior high school students, even when their teachers have no experience in computer science.

The initiative will use a new product from Moncton-based EduCode Canada Inc., which has developed a computer science educational platform that helps teachers with no background in coding. The pilot

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Lunney Nears Pilot in Fredericton

There’s nothing like finding a possible early adopter to stoke the entrepreneurial fires, and right now Melissa Lunney seems stoked.

Lunney is the Founder and CEO of AppDigenous Development Inc., a young company whose technology opens doors automatically for people with disabilities. The one-year-old company has been working with the Aboriginal Business Accelerator Program offered by the Joint

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Hailing the Benefits of Bioscience

What if we told you that New Brunswick could revitalize its economy, retain young workers and help the environment to boot?

It might sound too good to be true, but it’s not. The bioeconomy can do all of those things and more. Some of those efforts are already happening right here, but there’s so much more that could be done if we had a focused effort around policy and programing.

Bioscience, or

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Steve Blank Coming to NS May 30

Steve Blank is coming to Halifax.

The father of the lean startup movement will be giving a fireside chat at Dalhousie University on May 30. He will be hosted by Launch Dal, whose founders Mary Kilfoil and Ed Leach adopted Blank’s methodology when they began their pioneering Starting Lean course four years ago.

Blank will be speaking at 4 pm in the Potter Auditorium, or Room 1028 of the Kenneth

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Lenarduzzi Joins AVF Speakers

The Atlantic Venture Forum, which will take place June 27 and 28 in Halifax, has added digital content expert Sunny Lenarduzzi to its list of keynote speakers.

Lenarduzzi is an award-winning social media strategist and consultant. Working with such clients as Hootsuite and Applebees, her mission is to turn your purpose into profit. Her tagline is, “Monetize Your Message”.

As a broadcaster and

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