What To Do About Startups Leaving

It’s beginning to appear that Atlantic Canadians are going down the road for more than just jobs in Fort McMurray. The region’s startups are also feeling the lure of larger markets.

More frequently, when I contact an Atlantic Canadian startup I learn that the founders — the key decision-makers — have moved to Waterloo, Toronto or other larger centres. I don’t have data on the numbers, though it’s something I hope to produce. But the anecdotal evidence suggests it’s becoming something that’s noticeable when you scan the landscape.

When asked why they have moved to Ontario or another

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Press Release: Venture for Canada

Venture for Canada, which helps grads find work in Canadian startups, has issued the following press release:

Venture for Canada Launches its Graduate Placement Product

TORONTO, Aug. 25, 2014 -- Venture for Canada has launched its search for the next generation of top Canadian business leaders.  Recent grads and soon to be grads have until September 30th, 2014 to apply for the first application round of Venture for Canada’s Fellowship program.

Venture for Canada connects top recent graduates of Canadian post-secondary institutions to work at top Canadian startups and growth companies

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Press Release: CarbonCure & Snyder

CarbonCure Technologies, the Halifax-based maker of green building materials, has issued the following press release:

Snyder and CarbonCure connect on sustainability

Snyder to offer green concrete products to the Ohio region

August 28, 2014 - Canadian clean-tech company CarbonCure Technologies Inc. has signed a deal with Ohio-based Snyder Brick & Block to begin producing low carbon concrete products for the Ohio building market. Snyder has been providing concrete and masonry products to customers in southern Ohio since 1949, and the company has since grown to include four

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Press Release: SimplyCast Q2 Growth

SimplyCast, the Dartmouth-based multi-channel marketing startup, has issued the following press release:

SimplyCast Continues to Achieve Triple Digit Growth in Q2

SimplyCast has experienced triple digit customer growth in Q1 and Q2 for customers using SimplyCast 360.

Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, September 3, 2014 - SimplyCast.com, a global leader in multi-channel marketing Platform-as-a-Service solutions, is proud to announce that the company has achieved triple-digit growth in both Q1 and Q2.

In Q1, customer growth increased by 266% for customers using SimplyCast 360. In Q2, growth was

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SkySquirrel to Launch Farm Product

A year after it pivoted away from a search and rescue product, SkySquirrel Technologies is launching a drone-based product that can help farmers improve growing conditions.

Based in Inverness on Cape Breton Island, the company has always been dedicated to using drones to help customers do things that would be more difficult to do on the ground. The original team of Tim Stekkinger, Richard Van

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New Time for St. John’s Event

The time of the Entrevestor-Entrepreneurs’ Forum event to be held in St. John’s on Sept. 11 has been changed to mid-day due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict.

The Entrevestor-EF Luncheon will now begin at 11 am at the Common Room at Gushue Hall at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Like the Entrevestor-EF Dinners, the purpose of the luncheon is to let members of the community come together to discuss ways to improve the ecosystem.

The Sept. 11 event will feature two one-hour discussions before adjourning for dinner:

--  Mark Kennedy, the Founder and CEO of Celtx, the St.

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Four Launch36 Grads Get BDC Notes

As it announced ambitious organizational changes, PropelICT revealed Thursday that four startups that went through Cohort 4 of its Launch36 accelerator have received $150,000 convertible notes from BDC Venture Capital.

Propel held its annual general meeting Thursday night, formalizing its plan to hold three simultaneous cohorts this autumn and announcing a new board of directors and new role for executive director Trevor MacAusland.

The organization said the following companies have received a $150,000 convertible note from the venture capital arm of the Business Development Bank of

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After 2 Exits, Thompson Heads Propel

Having founded and successfully exited two tech startups by the time he was 43, Fredericton native Jeff Thompson brings a lot of street cred and star quality to his new role as chairman and president of regional startup support group, Propel ICT.

Thompson took up his role on Thursday, although he has been involved with Propel ICT, most recently as vice-president, since 2011 when he helped

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Entrevestor on Holiday Next Week

Entrevestor will take its annual summer holiday next week and will not be covering news until after Labour Day. 

We will return as usual on Sept. 2. 

We hope all our readers have a happy and safe long weekend. 

Peter and Carol Moreira. 


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GetGoing Gets Going at Bootcamp

Starting this week, a new Halifax startup is taking part in a boot camp for women in technology at Waterloo, Ont.-based Communitech, the country’s premiere startup lab.

GetGoing hopes to use its time in the Women Entrepreneurs Bootcamp to get feedback on its product for entrepreneurs. It has created a simple app that helps small businesses — traditional businesses as well as innovation-based startups — come up with a simple, effective business plan very quickly.

“What we’re trying to do is bring an added sense of confidence to small-business planning, especially people starting

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