If you raised equity capital in 2023, please – PLEASE – take a few minutes and complete our confidential survey. It will help the whole startup community.

This is a critical time for startup funding, especially for early-stage startups. With rising interest rates and economic uncertainty, many founders are telling us that it’s an especially challenging time for securing capital.

We’re now surveying founders and CEOs across the region, and the survey results will be aggregated and used in our 2023 Atlantic Canada Startup Data report, which will be released in June. We want to capture as much funding data as possible.

We’re asking all startups to complete the survey – and want to thank the scores of entrepreneurs who have already done so. But we really want to get responses from companies that raised capital last year. We don’t capture non-dilutive funding like funding from IRAP or ACOA loans. But it’s really important that we get responses that tell us who received funding from equity investors – whether it’s from founders, friends and family, angels or venture capital funds.

What’s absolutely essential is that we learn about the smaller rounds that were never made public. These rounds add up, and the more responses we have, the better understanding we all have of the current funding environment. We're also asking for other data, such as employment and DEI metrics, but we have a special focus on funding right now. 

Our startup data report is studied closely by decision-makers throughout the region, and they are always interested in the funding data for early-stage companies. It’s essential we gather the best information possible. Please join the dozens of founders who have already completed our survey.

Notes on our survey:

  • It is 100 percent confidential. We won’t share your data with anyone outside Entrevestor.
  • It comprises only 12 questions. Most founders complete it in two to three minutes.
  • You can skip any questions you’re uncomfortable with.