The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and national industry group the Canadian Food Innovation Network will host a one-day conference in Digby, N.S. April 18.

Dubbed Foodtech Atlantic, the event’s theme this year will be “advancing innovation and sustainable solutions.” It will be held at the Digby Pines Resort from 8:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., with attendees expected to include food companies, investors and subject-matter experts.

Organizers say they plan to focus on three core topics: upcycling and waste reduction, and sustainable packaging and emissions. Speakers will include Acuicy Co-Founder Dawne Skinner, whose company sells business intelligence software for emissions reductions, as well as Mina Mekhail, whose Halifax-based Freshr Technologies has developed an antimicrobial packaging film to extend the shelf-life of fish and meats.

“This in-person event will bring together food companies, innovators, and industry experts who will share their stories, successes and lessons learned as they make progress towards a net-zero footprint, develop upcycled products from former waste streams, enhance the sustainability of their food operations, and ultimately, save costs,” says the Food Innovation Network.

It costs just under $45 to attend, and participants are invited to a pre-event networking session the day before. You can learn more and register here.