The Atlantic Venture Forum is introducing a health technology session into its program this year, featuring experts and investors in the field, and presentations by leading Atlantic Canadian health-related startups.
The AVF is a two-day conference that links investors inside and outside the region with some of Atlantic Canada’s leading startups or high-growth companies. It will take place June 27 and 28 at the Halifax Marriott Harbourfront Hotel. Tickets are available here.
The half-day health technology session features a keynote address by Peter van der Velden, Managing General Partner of the leading Life Sciences Venture Capital firm, Lumira Capital. In a talk titled “Industry Outlook for Canadian Health Technologies”, van der Velden will discuss the near- and medium-term opportunity landscape. He will lend insight into the change forces likely to shape the health technology industry both domestically and internationally.
A panel titled “Market Access for Emerging Technologies" will explore the challenging dynamics of market access for Canadian health tech entrepreneurs. The speakers on the panel are: Glenn Lanteigne, Chief Executive Officer of Tectonic Advisory Services; Scott Moffitt, Managing Director of BioNova; and Amine Benmoussa, Principal of BDC Capital’s Healthcare Fund.
“Given the uncertain policy environment in the United States and parts of Europe, regulatory change, and shifting forces at play, our guests will explore market entry path-finding, alternative and emerging markets, and the opportunities that await those who do so successfully,” said a statement from AFV organizer Critical Path Group.
Three companies from the Halifax area will make nine-minute pitches at the event – part of the 12 Atlantic Canadian companies to present this year at AVF. The health-related companies are Spring Loaded Technology, Covina Biomedical, and Densitas Inc.
The health tech session also features a panel discussion on "Partnering with Industry Leaders". This panel of experts will explore the critical role played by big business, which is instrumental, if not essential, to validating and accelerating adoption of new technologies.
The participants are: Rebecca Yu, Head of Johnson & Johnson’s JLABS@Toronto; Brian Bloom, Co-Founder & CEO of Bloom Burton & Co.;Kelly Reinsborough, Director of Telus Health; and Glenn Monteith, Vice President of Innovation and Health Sustainability at Innovative Medicines Canada.
[Disclaimer: Critical Path is a client of Entrevestor .]