Jobs: Outshine Seeks a Marketer

An opening at Outshine, an online marketing company in Halifax, is featured in our Jobs of the Week column today. 

The company is looking to hire a marketing consultant to guide Outshine’s advertising practices, while reporting directly to the company’s president.

Outshine uses digital advertising, data science and analytics to serve its clients in the B2B space. Its work primarily aids

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Black Arcs: Digital Tool for Land Use

Jake Arsenault and Lori Clair wanted to solve a relevant problem. So, for 18 months, they considered options before creating The Black Arcs, a company that is developing an online tool for exploring the inter-relatedness of land use issues.

Designed for consultants, city planners and anyone with an interest in the core issues impacting their town, the simulator is modelled on a video game to

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UNB Competition To Award $19,000

Students from three provinces are competing for more than $19,000 in cash and prizes in a business plan contest at University of New Brunswick’s Fredericton campus.

UNB’s International Business and Entrepreneurship Centre is hosting the BMO Financial Group Apex Business Plan Competition at the Wu Conference Centre. The three-day event wraps up today.

Eighteen teams from New Brunswick, Nova

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Battling Scalpers with Blockchain

A year after coming up with the idea of using blockchain to battle outrageous ticket prices, Conor Daly and Kyle Gardiner are well on their way to having a basic product to sell to ticketing agencies.

The two Halifax-based founders of UpFront Tickets have graduated from the Propel ICT Launch accelerator and are now preparing to market their technology. They are about two-thirds of the way to

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MTI Forms Partnership with Artemis

Dartmouth-based Metamaterial Technologies Inc, a smart materials and photonics company, has signed a three-year business development and technology partnership with U.K.-based Artemis Optical to develop a hybrid coating for the defence industry.

Metamaterials is developing various technologies that influence light.  In a partnership with Airbus, it is testing a product that protects cockpit

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SimplyCast Launches Agent Program

Customers of SimplyCast can now promote and sell the company's many services to their clients with the help of the new SimplyCast Agent Program. 

Dartmouth-based SimplyCast, a communication automation company known for its customer-flow application SimplyCast360, launched its new Agent Program on Tuesday.

The program allows individuals or businesses to offer SimplyCast-branded services to their

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A Digital Aid for Home-Care Providers

Lisa Williams employs about 200 home-care specialists working with about 250 seniors in New Brunswick, and she needs a digital solution that will help her communicate with them. She expects to have one soon – one that her company Unicare Home Health Care Inc. is developing.

Based in Miramichi, N.B., Unicare provides home-care services in several communities in the province. And Williams has just

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Lunneys Become Founders at Jedi

One perk of the region’s startup community is its close-knit environment makes it feel like one big family. That’s especially the case for Melissa and Katie Lunney.

Melissa, 30, and Katie, 27, are sisters and members of the Elsipogtog First Nation, who got into entrepreneurship through the Joint Economic Development Initiative, a non-profit in Fredericton that encourages Indigenous

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