Nxtgen Grows in US Care Homes

Dartmouth’s Nxtgen Care, which tracks the movements of staff and residents in assisted living facilities, is ramping up its U.S. expansion as it reshuffles its installation schedule to focus on unoccupied buildings.

The American rollout is part of Nxtgen’s deal with a major U.S. care home company to eventually install its technology in 50 facilities across five states.

Several of the homes,

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TechImpact Unveils IT Upgrade Program

TechImpact, the regional information technology group based in Fredericton, has launched a new $1.2 million program to help established New Brunswick companies improve their digital capabilities.

The support organization on Wednesday announced its Digital Boost program, which will provide 75 percent of the cost of each digital project, the maximum value of which is $50,000. The program will pay

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Three Startups Join Venn Garage

Venn Innovation, a New Brunswick innovation hub, has accepted three companies into its Venn Garage incubator program via its first Open Pitch Competition, in which 13 New Brunswick businesses competed for access.

The winners and their CEOs are: Welkom-U, Ajibola Oluwatosin; LifeTrack Safety Systems, Amy Andrews; and Parados Cerebral Solutions, Pascal McCarthy. The three companies also appeared

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Summer Summit Goes National

Charlottetown incubator Startup Zone has used COVID-19 as an opportunity to rebrand its Summer Startup Summit as a national event.

The conference has historically been a gathering place for PEI entrepreneurs and industry luminaries. But with the pandemic forcing Startup Zone to take the event digital, a lack of geographic barriers is facilitating a nationwide expansion.

“Targeted at current and

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FDA Okays Appili Trial Expansion

The Food and Drug Administration in the U.S. has cleared Halifax-based Appili Therapeutics to expand its Phase 2 clinical trial of a drug that could help to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in long-term care facilities.

The company, which specializes in bringing anti-infectious drugs to market, said in May it would began Phase 2 trials of the drug Favipiravir in Canada, with the goal of proving it

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Kydder Group: PR for Startups


Halifax public relations consultant Michael Kydd has opened his own PR firm, the Kydder Group, which is targeting small and medium-sized businesses, including startups.

The Kydder Group provides affordable public relations services and small business advice to budding and established tech entrepreneurs and others focused on changing the world through their own stories.

"Founders in

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NFL Teams Aided by New Avrij App

Avrij Analytics, which uses athletes’ social media activity to assess their personality traits and mental health, has rolled out a new app to help National Football League teams track their players' reactions to COVID-19.

The Ottawa- and Fredericton-based company’s main product offering uses machine learning to provide team management with information about players’ psychology. The new app,

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Job of the Week: DashHudson

Our Job of the Week column today showcases an opening for a DevOps Engineer at Halifax-based Dash Hudson.

Dash Hudson is a visual marketing Software-as-a-Service company that helps its clients increase engagement on their social media. Its software, called Vision, is a one-stop spot for clients to manage, source and engage with the traffic of their photos and videos.

The Job of the Week column

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