Jobs: iWave, Dash Hudson

Dash Hudson and iWave Information Systems have openings for customer-facing positions, and they headline our Jobs of the Week column today.

Based in Charlottetown, iWave is looking for a Client Support Specialist. The company, which has been going for almost three decades, has developed software that helps researchers, fundraisers and other development professionals learn more about their

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SaaS Pricing: Free, Cheap or Full?

[Kyle Racki, CEO of Halifax-based Proposify, published this fantastic blog on his website this week. You can see the original blog and Kyle's other blogs here.] 

If you‘re trying to grow a SaaS company, freemium and low cost plans will no doubt cross your mind at some point. Here’s my experience with it.

Discussion over freemium has been raging for a long time now. Is it a business model or a

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Masitek’s Sales Double in Past Year

Tracy Clinch usually hesitates before revealing numbers about her company. The president and CEO of Masitek Instruments Inc. is careful about revealing too much about the Moncton-based company that helps manufacturers reduce container damage on production lines.

But what she does reveal tells the story of dramatic growth.

For more than six years, Masitek has grown from a small outfit that

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Inversa Inks $2.5 Million Deal with NB

Inversa Systems, whose technology assesses the soundness of physical structures, has signed a five-year contract worth as much as $2.5 million to inspect culverts in New Brunswick.

The provincial government on Wednesday announced the contract with the Fredericton engineering company, which will result in the inspection of corrugated metal pipes throughout the province without digging them up.

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Shoplaw Helps NB Find Lawyers

Shoplaw has launched its web portal that helps people find a lawyer that meets their needs and budget, saying New Brunswick consumers are now the only Canadians that have access to such a service.

The Fredericton company was formed by law school grad Randy Campbell to add transparency and choice to the process of selecting a lawyer. The site now offers up-front, fixed-fee prices for 21 lawyers

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AVF Showcases Health Technology

The Atlantic Venture Forum is introducing a health technology session into its program this year, featuring experts and investors in the field, and presentations by leading Atlantic Canadian health-related startups.

The AVF is a two-day conference that links investors inside and outside the region with some of Atlantic Canada’s leading startups or high-growth companies. It will take place June

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Mindset Project on Founders’ Control

The latest report resulting from The Mindset Project survey looks at the third of the major issues shown in the mental health data: the impact of business stress on an entrepreneur’s sense of control. 

 Survey organizer Michael DeVenney said that an entrepreneur can begin to doubt their own ability to influence results. This can make it harder to maintain a positive mindset.


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