Press Release: Pilot Targets Grads

Venor Search Group, OneNS and Equals6 have issued the following press release:

Pilot Aimed to Keep Graduates in Nova Scotia Launched by Venor Search Group

Venor Search Group (Venor) is pleased to announce the launch of an initiative to connect recent graduates, including international students, to meaningful work experiences in Nova Scotia.

The OneNS Desk pilot program aims to help reduce Nova Scotia’s youth unemployment rate through inviting private sector employers to demonstrate commitment to building Nova Scotia’s economy through our people—specifically youth.  

"We have amazing

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Clarifying the Murky Crowdfunding Rules

The rules governing equity crowdfunding in Canada are evolving and will likely get more confusing before they get clearer.

This isn’t just a Canadian thing. They might be even more complex in the United States, where 22 states and the District of Columbia have individualized rules.But the framework of regulation outlined by some provinces this year is only the beginning. There will likely be a series of announcements and rulings in several of them as regulators and the market acclimatize to this new type of funding.

Equity crowdfunding is the process of raising money online from a broad

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In Praise of NB’s Biotech Community

When Mycodev founder Brennan Sisk appeared with New Brunswick Premier Brian Gallant to announce the company’s $500,000 funding in March, he knew it was a celebration for more than his company.

The funding announcement by the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation was the latest in a string of events that showed something interesting happening in the province: life sciences companies are stepping

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Mason on Teaching Entrepreneurship

One of Scotland’s leading educators in entrepreneurship has developed a special affinity for New Scotland.

Colin Mason, a professor at the Adam Smith School of Business at the University of Glasgow, has already been in Halifax and Sydney this year, one of many visits over the years. He returns next month on a trip that includes the Atlantic Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Conference at Saint Mary’s University on Sept. 17 and 18.

As an academic who teaches entrepreneurship, Mason carries a messianic enthusiasm for his subject. Entrepreneurship professors believe it is essential for

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Robertson Developing Talent Pipeline

It’s well known that North America suffers from a shortage of tech talent and skills. It’s a problem that Doug Robertson, president and CEO of Moncton’s Venn Centre, is addressing through targeted programming and partnerships.

Venn’s own programs are aimed at young entrepreneurs and those building a company gaining traction. Initiatives include InspireNB, an online platform that connects

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Crowdfunding Event at Summer St.

PropelICT’s information session on equity crowdfunding and related issues on Monday is now taking place at the Innovacorp Enterprise Centre at 1344 Summer Street.

The organization had planned another venue but had to make the change yesterday. An early post by Entrevestor on Thursday contained the previous address. 

Crowdfunding is the process of raising money online from a broad range of people. Although it has been used for charitable fundraising and early sales of products, regulators in six provinces (including Nova Scotia and New Brunswick) recently approved the practice for

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Bitness Lands First Customers

A 15-year-old who creates a device that can track customer traffic is impressive, but it’s nothing compared with a 16-year-old who turns that device into a bona fide business.

Alex Gillis, the 16-year-old founder of Bitness, did just that. After a year of work, his customer traffic device found its first client, the Fickle Frog, a Halifax pub. This week, Be Your Own Bartender, a provider of

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Correction: Crowdfunding Event Monday

[Note: We have received new information from the organizers and the venue has been changed to the Innovacorp Enterprise Centre.]


PropelICT has organized an information session on equity crowdfunding and related issues in Halifax on Monday.

Entrepreneur-in-Residence Ying Tam said the meeting, which is open to anyone who wants to attend, takes place at the Innovacorp Enterprise Centre at 1344 Summer Street starting at 5 pm.

“I initially targeted this for the PropelICT cohort in Halifax, but realized this has broad interest across the entrepreneur community,” said Tam in an email. 

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BYOB To Launch in 4 PEI Liquor Stores

Four Prince Edward Island liquor stores will soon contain a Be Your Own Bartender (BYOB) kiosk, a touch screen with more 6000 cocktail recipes to help customers learn about cocktails.

BYOB is the brainchild of company President Matt Sullivan, and it allows liquor store customers to browse for cocktail recipes by name, ingredient or type of drink. Once the customer selects the recipe, the

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