Teaching Students to Sell

Not long after Gerry Pond offered half a million bucks to any Atlantic Canadian university that initiates an international tech sales program, some people began to ask: what would such a program look like?

Daniel P. Strunk is pretty sure he knows the answer.

Pond, the chair of the East Valley Ventures investment group in Saint John, surprised the Atlantic Leadership Summit in February by

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Our New Site & Broader Focus

Right now, your eyes are gazing at something we’re pretty excited about.

Welcome to Entrevestor’s new website – which represents something far larger than a redesign. It’s an essential component of our first major expansion since we began four years ago this month.

Entrevestor now features two sites – one for Atlantic Canada and the other for Kitchener-Waterloo. You can move between them

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Navigate Set to Open in Sydney

After months of work, Sydney is finally getting its own incubator for tech startups.

Launched by startup enthusiasts Ardelle Reynolds and Lindsay Uhma, the Navigate Startup House is due to open Oct. 9 in downtown Sydney. The space will feature offices for four growing startups, and a common work area in which as many as 20 teams at the idea or early stages can work.

“People who are

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Furey Named CEO of BlueLight

BlueLight Analytics, the Halifax startup that helps dentists ensure they use optimal energy when curing the resin in fillings, has named J.P. Furey its new Chief Executive Officer.

The company said today in a press release that Colin Deacon, the founder who had been CEO for the past six years, would become President and Director. He will report to Furey, who had been CFO since joining the

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Ella Proving Demand in Beta Test

When Kelly Lawson wanted to know if other Canadian women shared her problem of not knowing to do with closets full of clothes, she started a Facebook Group to discuss the matter. Within a few weeks, 4,400 women had joined the group.

It now only led to the creation of Ella, her online app that helps women sell slightly used clothes they don’t want. It also gave her an amazing test ground for

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Keefe: Raise No More than You Need

Most startups on the East Coast and around the world view raising capital as a top priority. And with good reason, you can only boot-strap your startup so far. Cash is almost always the fuel for growth.

But it is important to be strategic in your efforts to raise capital. Too little capital, or even too much, can create serious problems that will reduce your odds of success.

The startup

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Spotful Eyes Higher Sales with Shopify

Spotful, the ecommerce augmentation company that began life as the Maritime startup Spot Interactive, took a major leap forward on Friday when it went live on the budding ecommerce giant Shopify.

Based in Montreal and Halifax, Spotful allows people to execute an interactive function while watching an online video, with virtually no interruption in the film. That means they can purchase an

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Press Release: Next 36 Campus Tour

The Next 36, a national entrepreneurship program for Canadian university students, has issued the following press release:

The Next 36 Launches National Campus Tour in Search of Canada’s Top Young Entrepreneurs

Events Scheduled from Coast to Coast for High Potential Innovators

(Toronto – September 14, 2015) Canada’s premiere founder development program for young entrepreneurs is hitting

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